Chapter 7 - Raeni

Start from the beginning

Warmth infuses my breasts, my nipples tightening as the most decadent pheromones imaginable fill my nostrils, and after blinking in shock, I realize he's stroking his cock and releasing his essence onto my chest.

He has no more right to do so than the man he killed mere seconds ago, yet my humiliation and outrage do not grow.

Alarm screeches through my brain as I glimpse his massive dick, the wide girth filling his gigantic hand and his length terrifying. Yet as more milky liquid leaks from his tip, my mouth waters despite the almost neon-pink veins running up his shaft.

My gut tightens as his fist slides upward and reveals where his knot will expand. The thick flesh at his base already outlines where he'll swell and lock whatever poor omega who happens to bear his attentions onto his cock, trapping her there for as long as he stays engorged.

A whimper leaks from my throat, vibrating against his palm, but his groan washes away my denial.

Lava erupts in my core as jettison after jettison of pearly seed splashes onto my breasts, my traitorous womanhood leaking slick.

"Mine," he snarls again, making my spine bow and my eyes roll to the back of my head.

One syllable escapes my ecstasy, but it goes unheeded. No.

Pleasant heat sprays my face until it drenches my features, sneaking into my nostrils and dripping between my lips. I fight my demanding instincts, holding my breath and denying myself the relief I know this demon offers me.

I don't want this.

My lungs scream in agony and my sinuses sting with his pungent seed, filling me until I worry I'll drown.


I lose against his sultry voice, the deep growl piercing my eardrums and shaking my soul. My teeth part on a gasp and seed rushes in.

Explosions of power and color shock my taste buds to life, reconstructing everything I once was into something new.

I need.

Gulping and opening my mouth for more, tiny whimpers and moans leave my chest, a trail of flames following his seed as it heats my stomach.

I hate it. I need it.


Velvet flesh mashes against my lips, startling my eyes open to train on the alpha mastering my yearnings. Unable to fight against the streaks of lightning created by his taste, I moan and lick the slit of his cockhead, begging it to give me more.

He delivers, flooding my mouth with decadent delight until my desperate swallows can't keep up. It seeps from the creases of my lips, trailing down my cheeks. Parallel to the tracks created by my tears, it soaks my hair and puddles under my head. My stomach threatens to burst, and I choke on his unending flow.

Life floods my organs, the heat in my stomach expanding and infusing my cells with vitality, awakening my strength.

I turn my head away and spit, ugly sobs building in my chest at the wild and terrifying emotions budding in my heart. Despite the desire coursing through my veins, I don't want this. I don't know why my soul seeks his, but I don't want it either.

His snarl rips through my defenses, making my core throb in delight. A rough hand grabs my thigh, sparking fury and terror in my rejuvenated flesh.


He ignores my outburst, dragging my body across the mattress by my thigh while pivoting me so my scalp brushes against the wall and my toes point toward the floor.

I kick and shriek in pain as my foot collides with solid muscle, his strength so great I might as well be driving my heel into a brick wall.

"Yes. Mine."

With my throat and thigh pinned to the bed, I sob as the source of such deliciousness presses against my swollen intimates. I stare into black orbs and grab the wrist nearest my throat with both hands while trying to force his torso away with my unbound leg.

Movement at the door pulls a terrifying snarl from the brute above me, his hips tilting forward and sinking his tip into my plump outer folds.

Another alpha presence slinks into the room before a steely voice penetrates the air.

"Craize. Let her go."

The male above me snarls and pushes his hips forward, pulling a shriek from me as he stretches my entrance with his impossible girth.

"She's mine."

With those words ringing in my ears, I blink in stupor as the massive male above me jerks backward. His cock's sudden departure sends cold air wafting over my drenched and swollen womanhood.

Neither relief nor satisfaction rise in me as he stumbles and grabs for the bright yellow dart protruding from his right bicep. He yanks it free and drops it to the ground, his knees following after as the sedative spreads throughout his nervous system.

Before he drops out of sight, his piercing gaze meets mine and one word passes his lips.


A dark void opens at the base of my skull, sucking my conscience toward it.

I don't try to cling to reality. My body betrays me, more slick seeping from my folds as strange alpha seed dries on my face and chest. Horror saturates my emotions as my brain replays what happened.

Worst of all, my soul cries out, longing for the alpha lying on the floor mere feet away.

I slide into the vacuum of oblivion, too wrung out to handle reality for another moment longer.

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