#Chapter twenty four

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Previous chapter:-

"Aren't you ashame of yourself? You have guts to date a younger guy in this age? If I was you, I would be totally ashame of myself to even breathing! Not even a young girl, but younger guy?"

"New! Newwiee! Please listen to me!"

"Aiish! He is not here! Stop screaming and get the hell out of here before I call police!"

Tay took out his phone and tried to call New, but still got no answered.


(Chapter 24 : Misery)

*Knock Knock!*

Gulf immediately went to open the door once saw who was it from the monitor. "What happen to you?" He asked shocked while looking at New up and down.

New let his tears wet his cheeks. He looked at Gulf and then he suddenly fell to the floor in a disheveled heap as his body wracked with an onslaught of sobs and tears.


"I-It's all a lied."


"It's all.., a l-lied." New sniffled between his words.

Gulf immediately hugged New and patted his back to calm him down before brought him inside. He told New to sit on the couch while he went to the kitchen to get him the drink.

"I'm here with all ears open. You can tell me what happen."

New stared at the glass in his hand. He started chewing on his lower lip and eyes started to well up with tears again.



"C-Can I stay here tonight?"

"Of course. You can stay as long as you want, New."

"Thanks." Said New with a forced smiled.

"Are you okay?"

"N-Nope. I'm really not okay." Answered New and soon the sound of wailing and suffering echoed throughout the house.


Tay's POV

I don't know how long I'm sitting on the floor while staring blankly at the wall. I thought I heard my phone ringing over and over on the table but I had no mind to pick it up. I knew it was Off who's curious why I didn't show up at the office today.

I took a deep breathe and really wished I could cry. But no tears were coming.

"Daddy..." I looked up when heard Nanon's voice from in front the door.

"Nanon is waiting for daddy. Who's going to send Nanon to school?"

I looked at the clock on the wall. It was already 8am. So, I've been sitting here all night long?

"Daddy..." My son sat beside me and held my hand. "Is it true that you're hurting papa? Aren't you going to bring papa back to us? Are you going to sit here all day and did nothing?"

His questions slapped me hard. Since when did my son grew up to be this mature? It feels just like yesterday when he learned to take his first step.

Nanon was right. Sitting here all day would never bring me any good. I gathered my strength and got up on my feet.

Age Is Just A Number (COMPLETED)✔️Where stories live. Discover now