#Chapter twenty

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Previous chapter:-

"Where did you learn those words?! Daddy never teach you such thing!"

"From Uncle Off. He said daddy is papa's daddy sugar because daddy always bought papa desserts and sweets foods like cake, ice cream, and so on. But when Nanon ask for it, daddy always said no. That's why daddy is only a daddy to Nanon but a daddy sugar to papa. Uncle Off said that's the difference between Nanon and papa." Explained the kid in enthusiasm.

Tay massaged his temple as he mumbled. "I'm gonna cut your tongue if I saw you later, Jumpol!"


(Chapter 20 : His aunt and her man)

"Mom, what are you going to cook? Let us help." Offered Tay as they took out the groceries from the plastics and arranged them on the table.

"Sure, Tawan. I'm going to cook yours and Nanon's favourite foods. Are you fine with southern Thai cuisine, Poomie?"

New who was quietly helping them only blinked his eyes confused once realized that she was talking to him.

"Mom, his name is New Thitipoom."

"Yea, I know. I want to call him Poomie."

Tay let out a sighed before he caressed New's back. "Forgive my mom. She like to add 'ie' at everyone names. When I was young, she call me Wannie, and when Nanon is still a baby, she call him Nonnie."

New chuckled. "Then, you can call me Newwiee, aunty."

"Oh! Newwiee! That's cuter than Poomie! Why I never thought of that?!Sure... But don't call me aunt, call me mom just like Tay, na?" She smiled at New and New shyly nodded his head.

"Okay, m-mom."

"Grammy, where's Nanon's gummy?" The little one coming to the kitchen to get his snacks.

"You bought gummy?" New asked and tried to find for it.

"Eh? This is--"

"Yes, that's mine, Granny! Gimme!" Nanon tried to reach the box in his grandma's hand.

"Nanon, this is not a gummy. This is for your daddy and papa to use." She smiled mischievously as she gave Tay the box.

Tay who finally saw the box could only widened his eyes in shocked. Meanwhile, New's face already turned red.

'GUMMY CONDOM - strawberry flavor' - That what was written. Probably because the box was too colorful so Nanon thought that it was a gummy which is for kids.


No kid, it's definitely not.


Tay lied down on his bed making the mattress sink down and turned his head towards the figure lying beside him. He removed New's strains of hair that covering his eyes and strokes the chubby cheeks softly.

"I'm not dreaming, right?"

"You're not."

"Your mom and dad accept our relationship?"

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