Part 44 - Bonus date with Wild

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The next day, you spend most of your time to yourself, but around 6, you get ready for your date with Wild. Eventually, you meet him downstairs and both head out to the limo. It takes you east, along the city outskirts until you enter a wooded area. The limo driver stops suddenly.

"You'll have to walk the rest of the way." The limo driver informed. You looked out the window, the forest was coated in fog.

"How do you expect us to find the place?" Wild asked, concerned. The limo driver shrugged.

"I can't safely drive you further with this fog." The driver responded. You and Wild looked at each other. Wild shrugged and got out of the car. You followed, and the limo drove away.

"Hmm." Wild pointed to the ground, where you could make out a bit of a trail. "There's a pretty clear path. If we follow this we should be fine." He assured you.

"I guess so." You said, unsure. Wild had started along the paved path while you made sure to follow closely behind. The forest was dark due to the thick trees. Some of them appeared to be partly hollow, giving the illusion that they had mouths at a quick glance. It was almost like you heard strange laughter every so once in a while as well. You didn't realize it at first, but now you were holding onto Wild's entire arm.

"I think I see light up ahead," Wild observed, pointing to a clearing in the trees. "We're almost there, don't worry." He was clearly trying to calm your nerves, probably because he noticed your tightened grasp on his arm. You nodded slightly.

As you got closer, much more light flowed through the treetops and the cloud of fog began to thin until it completely disappeared. In front of you stood a huge tree that towered over all the others. It had a doorway leading inside, so it must've been the restaurant. You probably would've been able to see it from the limo if it weren't for the amount of trees and thick fog.

"Hello!" A high pitched voice said cheerfully. You and Wild both jumped due to the unexpected greeting. A little boy wearing a brown and green tunic with a giant leaf on the side of his head was standing in front of you with a polite smile.

"Uh- hello?" You reply tentatively.

"Welcome to the Deku Palace! Will you be dining with us this evening?" The little boy asked.

"Yes." Wild answered this time. The boy turned his head to face Wild, and his eyes widened.

"Wait... are you Mr. Hero?" The boy questioned gleefully. Wild cocked his head, slightly. "I've heard stories about you, how you saved our forest years ago!"

"Oh yeah. I didn't recognize the place at first because of the fog."

"Wow! You're amazing!" The boy's eyes glowed with admiration.

"It was nothing, really." Wild shrugged.

"Yes it was, Mr. Hero! That nasty man tried to take our forest, but you were all like, Yaey! Hut! HYAAAH!" The boy made swinging motions with a stick. "You saved us!" He smiled brightly.

"Just doing what's right." He scratched the back of his head.

"You made our forest safe! But now... That fog is pretty nasty. It's so thick, and it scares people away. Last time the fog was this thick, that man invaded." Wild's finger twitched. "Now that it's back, everyone thinks it's a bad omen." He looked at the ground for a short period, then looked back at Wild. "That's okay though, it may give me a bad feeling, but I feel safe when you're here Mr. Hero! Yahaha!" He looked back down at his clipboard. "Oh sorry, I'm rambling again!" The boy said sheepishly, "My name is Machi. I'll be your waiter. Follow me this way."

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