Part 37 - Bonus date with Sky

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The next day, you get in your fanciest clothes and meet Sky downstairs. He's wearing a collared shirt with a cute bow tie.

"Are you ready to go?" He asks you with a smile.

"Ready." You reply happily. He opens the door for you, and you both walk to the limo outside. It takes you on a leisurely drive through the city, and stops not long after. You look at the restaurant as you arrive. It has large tinted windows integrated into the modern black and dark wood walls. You look at the name. Piping hot soup.

"Hmmm." Sky narrows his eyes as he looks at the building.

"What is it, Sky?" You tilt your head.

"Oh," he smiles, "Nothing." He brushes his comment aside with his hand. "I'll tell you later if I'm actually right." You shrug, and follow Sky into the modern black building. A brown haired woman stands at the front desk, seemingly instructing a new employee. She gasps when she sees you.

"Sky?" She puts her hands over her mouth. You look at Sky, who smiles and waves. "What a coincidence! I haven't seen you in years! Look how much you've grown!" She raises a hand to compare Sky's height to her own, and then roughs up his hair in an affectionate manner.

"I had my suspicions when I learned about this new restaurant, but I can't believe it's actually true." Sky smiled politely. "Your own restaurant! That's always been your dream."

"Yep! I'm still getting used to big city life, it's so different from Skyloft. What brings you here?" She asks. Sky turns towards you.

"Actually I'm on a date." He laughs nervously.

"Oh... I see." Piper's face is covered by a smug grin. "I'll get you seated right away then, we can catch up later." She winks at Sky, who laughed awkwardly. "You two can be seated at the booth right over there." She gestured to the room on her left. "I'll have a waiter over right away, I'm sure he'll be happy to see you too-" her voice trailed off as you followed Sky to the booth. You sit across from him and take a glimpse at the menu.

"So who was that?" You ask, making conversation.

"That's Piper. She lived in the town I grew up in when I was a kid. Very tight knit community, so she was basically like a parent."

"Oh, that town is Skyloft? Can't say I've heard of it."

"Yeah, that's to be expected. It's in the mountains, at a crazy high elevation. Only 30 or so people lived there." Sky explained.

"That explains why you're so close to them then. I think that's sweet." You smiled. Sky opened his mouth to respond, but was interrupted by a tall waiter in a tux, who was walking towards your table. Sky's face suddenly drained of color, and he hid his face with his menu.

"Oh Hylia..." He mumbled under his breath. The waiter arrived at your table, holding a notebook ready to take your order.

"Welcome to Piping Hot Soup, I'll be your waiter today-" His eyes lifted from the notebook, towards you and Sky. Suddenly he burst into booming laughter. You flinched, startled by the sudden outburst. Sky whacked himself with the menu. You could see his face turning red. "No way. I haven't seen you in forever! Piper told me there was someone here, but I didn't think it'd be you!" The waiter was tall and had a muscular figure with bright orange-pink hair that stood up on it's own.

"Nice to see you too Groose," Sky said through gritted teeth.

"No way, are you on a date? Whoops, I'll stop talking to you then." He turned towards you, flashing a toothy smile. "So what's your name?"

"Y/N" You said, smiling awkwardly.

"Veeery funny." Sky rolled his eyes and leaned his head on his arm. "I'm surprised you've kept your hair the same after all this time. I thought you'd realize by now how idiotic it looks." He said flatly. "Guess not." He shrugged.

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