Part 40 - Bonus date with Cap

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When it was time for your date the next day, you and Cap got in the limo and headed to the city. It wasn't a very long drive, you got there in less than 10 minutes. The restaurant you had arrived at was called Mama's Fish House. You follow Cap inside, and are greeted by a waiter.

"Welcome! Do you have a reservation?" She asks.

"Mhm. For Cap." He replies.

"Alrighty, would you like to sit inside or outside?" She continues.

"Could we sit outside?" You ask with a smile.

"Yeah, that's what I was gonna say." He scratched the back of his head, smiling. "Two great birds think alike, right?"

"That is not the saying." You chuckle.

You follow the waiter to a table outside. You both look at the menus, and eventually the waiter comes back to take your order.

"Have you guys decided what you'd like to eat this evening?"

"I think..." you looked at your menu, and smirked. "I'll have the chicken."

"Are you messing with me?" Cap questioned. You nod in response. Cap leans back into his chair. "Well it's not gonna work. You've seen me eat eggs before, and even though I make bird puns, chicken is hella good." He froths at the mouth. "So I'll have the same thing she's having." The waiter nods and walks away. You look out at the ocean, admiring the way it sparkled in the sun. A vibrant red sail boat glided over the waves, and people speckled the beach like sea shells. The ocean brought a crisp, albeit chilly breeze.

Eventually, the waiter came back and handed you both your meals. As you go to take a bite, you hear an unfamiliar voice behind you.

"You're at a restaurant that specializes in fish, yet you both order chicken?" The voice says smug and smooth, "I guess I should've expected this from my own brother."

You look toward the person speaking. He's a few inches taller than you, wearing a blue tank top with a white lobster on it. He's holding a fishing net over his shoulder. You can clearly see the resemblance, his hair is golden and he has big eyes, just like Cap.

"How many brothers do you have?" You ask Cap surprised, while chewing on a mouthful of chicken.

"Five." The man in front of you answers for him. "And one sister," He reaches out to shake your hand. "I'm Waker. Cap's eldest sibling."

"I'm Y/N." You reply, smiling. You reach to accept his hand shake, but your hand collides with your glass, spilling all over Waker.

"I'm so sorry!" You apologize. Waker smirks.

"No no it's ok, I'm used to getting wet." He smiles reassuringly. Cap chuckles under his breath. Waker rolls his eyes. "I'm a fisherman Cap. I practically live on the ocean." He remarked.

"Whatever." Cap scoffs, "Has the show been paying you guys to show up? I just want to enjoy my dates in peace." He exhaled. "So get out of here, you smell like fish guts." You couldn't help but giggle.

"Jeez, I was just trying to visit my dear brother," he sighed. "But, we can catch up later." He ruffled Cap's hair and turned his back towards the table, "It was nice meeting you Y/N." Waker said as he waved and walked away.

"Wow, a bit harsh, no?" You teased.

"Yeah, maybe. Can you blame me though? Having so many siblings is rough. We get compared to each other a lot because of our similarities. And as for the triplets..."


"Yep." Cap sighed. "People could never tell them apart, aside from the family, so they each dyed their hair crazy colors." You tilted your head. "Reed dyed his hair red, Tri dyed his hair green, and Hero dyed his hair blue." Cap lifted a finger for each as he listed them off. You laughed a little.

"You must be quite the family man."

"Maybe. We try to look out for each other, no matter how annoying."

"They probably think you're the most annoying." You joke.

"Haha. You're probably right. I admit, I'm a bit envious of the three of them. They operate as a unit, never leaving each other's side. I've never felt that close to someone before." He shrugs it off. "So," he lifted his voice, "That's why I came here."

"I don't know," You replied jokingly. "I'm not really feeling it. You better step up your game. Or else I'll go after Waker."

"Fat chance. He has a girlfriend, and considering you gave me the rose, I'd say it's going pretty well." Cap replied, smiling lightly. "... But you are joking, right?"

"I'm joking." You grinned.

"Phew. I was worried about feather or not you were into me." You rolled your eyes playfully and looked back out at the ocean with the setting sun beyond.

"Pretty view, and plenty of seagulls for you to watch." You pointed to the birds that were circling around the beach. Cap turned around to look. He stood up slightly and cupped his hands around his mouth.

"Hey Mr. Bird, look! There's a fish behind you!" The seagull happened to fly around toward the direction that Cap was pointing. He laughed and sat back down. "Wow, he sure is GULL-ible. Eh? Eh?"

"Do you come up with these on the spot?" You felt some sort of warm feeling course throughout you. You were overwhelmingly happy, but didn't quite know why. Maybe it was the view, the whole weight of the past few days hitting you, or something else. You couldn't help but laugh, quietly at first, but growing to a point where your chest hurt.

"What? Why are you laughing so much?" Cap sounded and looked genuinely confused, maybe a bit concerned. His facial expression made you laugh more.

"I- I don't know." You giggled.

"It's so cheesy, just like all the others. You never laugh at my bird puns." Cap started laughing a bit himself.

"I know." You continued to laugh uncontrollably. Cap watched you intently, with a warm smile. His cheeks were dusted with a light pink tint.

"Heeey... what is that." You tease, pointing to his red face.

"It's nothing! It's just a bit chilly!" His voice cracks as he tries to come up with an excuse. You continue to tease him, and eventually the sun starts to sink below the horizon. As the sky starts to darken, you both finish your meals and head back to the mansion.

Continue to chapter 46

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