Her Boyfriend

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"Sanjana we need your help" Rahul said looking at me.

I gave him a blank look. I'm getting more scared from within. What can I do for him? I thought to myself in wonder.

"Haven't you told her yet?"
His boss asked him.

Rahul shook his head as no.

"Sanjana, I'll be straight with you. I need you to spend a night with one of our very important clients. He is coming from Germany, we are working on a confidential project so we can't trust anyone unknown. Since you are going to marry Rahul and he too has no issue with it. So please do us this favor and in return our company will give Rahul a promotion and sponsor your honeymoon trip wherever you want" He said looking strighg into my eyes without blinking.

I gulped hard in anger, frustration, annoyance, sadness...everything came into me at once. I never knew this day too even could come in my life. Rahul held my wrist and gave me pleading eyes.

Do I have an option? Can I escape this? What am I to do? My mind kept thinking...

"Sanjana say something" Said his boss eagerly.

I didn't know how to react or say anything. Suddenly my eyes saw someone my heart wanted to see. He too looked at me keenly from far. I took a full gulp from my glass but eyes fixed on him. I looked at him hopefully and like he read my thoughts. He got up and walked towards us. I shrugged my hand from Rahul's hold and stood up as he came close. Both Rahul and his boss gave me wired expressions.

"Sanjana what are you doing here?"
Kabeer asked me curiously

I walked close to him and held his arm blinking my eyes to make sure it's him. I hugged him tightly. He too held me slightly. I know he's confused. But I'm thankful to my starts for sending him now.

He broke our hug and looked in my eyes. I smiled in relief yet pain. He looked over at Rahul and his boss in anger. I held his hand and intertwined our fingers together. A kind of strength came into my whole body. I felt safe and engetic all of a sudden.

Rahul stood up and also his boss.
"Who is this Sanjana?" Rahul asked me with anger and a confused look.

"I'm her....
Kabeer was about say as I chiped in middle and spoke.

"He is my boyfriend, we are dating the past two months"
I stated boldly.

Kabeer looked at me in shock and wonder. I gave him no expression.

"What?" Spat his boss in shock.

"What nonsense is this Sanjana?" Rahul asked me again in anger.

"Yes, Rahul. I was actually going to tell you this. I'm in love with him and can't marry you" I said boldly again.

"Rahul what the fuck is happening here, do you think I'm a fool? What nonsense is she blabbering?" Asked his boos equally furious.

"Sir, just a moment please! I too am shocked. I didn't know this girl was having an affair" He told his boss pleadingly.

"What the hell Sanjana? How can you do this? What will your family say? Have you thought about it? We are going to get married soon"
He asked gritting his teeth being mad and angry.

"I know how to handle my family. You don't have to worry let's just split in peace"
I said in a deep but scary voice.

Kabeer held my hand tightly and rubbed his thumb over mine. I looked at him with watery eyes.

"Rahul, I guess we were together only till here"
I said again and took off our engagement ring.

I kept it on the table in front and took my bag from the sofa and went back and held Kabeer's hand. We both looked into each others eyes and we smiled. A genuine smile. I know all this was acting but still a part felt happy.

"Sanjana wait, Sanjana stop. You can't do this. It's wrong. I said wait here. SANJANA!!!!" Rahul kept yelling but I didn't bother.

We came out till his car and he opened the door for me. I sat inside and the whole way we were silent. I'm greatfull to him though for not asking or saying anything at this moment. I myself am feeling very uneasy.

I didn't realize we reached home until he came over and opened the door for me again.
I looked at him blankly and got off. I didn't say anything again and just walked up to my house.

"Hey, Sanjana your back. How was your day?" Neeta aunty my house owner asked me as she was watering the plants down.

"Not bad aunty" I replied casually walking up the stairs.

I walked up and opened the door. I stepped in and kept my bag on the sofa. Suddenly my body became loose and head swang. I was about to fall when two strong arms cought me safely.

My eyes shut lightly but I'm awake and aware of my surroundings.

"Saanj, hold onto yourself"
He said worriedly and picked me up bridel style.

I looked at his worried face and my aching heart felt happy for a moment. I leaned on his shoulders and put my hands around his neck tightly. He came into my room and was about to put me on the bed when I stopped him to do so.

"Don't leave me please" I said sounding as sad as possible.

"I'm not going anywhere sweety" He said softly but chuckled.

He sat with me on his lap. I'm crying, I'm crying on him and he kept quite not saying anything just taping and ceasing my hair. He even kissed my hair a few times.

He kept saying...
"It's okay Saanj, don't worry....

Forget it, he's gone, that relationship is over.....

Don't worry about family. Your a strong girl....

We will manage everything....

Sleep baby....sleep in peace..."

Hearing to his sweet and motivational talks snuggling more into him. I went off to sleep.

.............................Next chapter

Hearts UnitedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora