Pax rocked on his heels and gave a small smile. He waved a little in Rowan's direction. "I'm sure you just heard my name."

The air began to get thick with awkwardness. A strong wind blew through us, making the water splash and Iris cuddle herself.

"It's not meant to be this cold in the middle of summer," Iris complained. "It was boiling yesterday."

Pax hummed and nodded. "It was, I think this is just the coolness before it gets hotter though."

"Don't think that's a good thing," Rowan chimed in. "I don't like it when it's too hot." I snorted. When it got too hot, Rowan reflected a dog extremely well. He would laze around and follow the sun. He claimed to be too hot to do anything, yet his fire truck coloured skin would show everyone otherwise. He just wanted to sunbathe the day away and pretend that training didn't exist.

"You really gotta stay out of the sun," Iris scolded her twin. "We're redheads, so we burn like paper." She had turned round to talk to Pax.

Pax nodded awkwardly, tilting his head to the side. "Why does hair colour mean you burn quicker?"

I groaned as Iris started to explain to him. I side-stepped across the bridge and over to Rowan. "You, okay?"

"Who is he?" Rowan asked in a hushed voice. "He's not one of your friends from school." He pointed back towards Pax, who still had a confused expression on his face. "And when are you going to ask him out?"

I felt like a goldfish as I tried to form words. "I'm not, why would you ask that?" I ran a hand down my face to hide the redness from the heat which rushed there.

"Meeting in the middle of the woods? The way you talk to him? It's rather obvious dude." He whacked me on the shoulder. His eyes were wide and pleading for me to agree with him.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I slowly started to move back towards Pax and Iris.

"You do," Rowan argued. He followed me back onto the bridge. "You didn't answer my question."

"Then let's ask Pax." I hurriedly turned towards the other brunette. "Pax, who are you?"

Iris hid a giggle behind her hand. "Getting philosophical there, Farley." She was teasing me. She eyed our feet on the bridge with a calculating stare before her eyes snapped back to my face.

"You know me, all about philosophy," I joked. I didn't mind philosophy, but my teacher didn't like me. I may have argued with him far too often.

"I've been asking myself the question a lot over the past month," Pax said. "Though. I don't quite understand the question?" His tone was cautious with a slight waver.

"Like, why do you live in the forest? What do you do for fun? What's your type?" Rowan listed with a cheesy grin.

I sent him a fierce glare. "None of that's important if you don't want to tell us," I told Pax. "Rowan's just being stupid."

"It's fine," Pax said whilst holding a hand up. "I live in the forest because it's just where I've lived since, I was young. I like to play with marbles and go for runs. I don't know what you mean by type."

Rowan tried to hold back his snickers. Iris had to lean on his shoulder and put a hand around his mouth so that none escaped. It was probably her way of getting back at him for asking the questions in the first place.

"Nobody does," she replied. "Really, it's a question that rarely gets asked other than by doctors when talking about blood." She winced and drew her hand back from Rowan's mouth.

"Oh yeah, yeah. I wasn't asking for his blood type. I'm not a vampire." Rowan wiped at his face, which held a small frown. "I was-"

"He'll be here somewhere," a voice interrupted our conversation.

Pax started to breath heavily. He reached for my hand and started to run. I didn't know why he reached for my hand, but I followed him. He was running the way me, and the twins came.

The twins followed without any argument or further sound. I ended up pulling Pax after a while, his eyebrows were furrowed, and his hand got tighter. He wasn't sure where to go. I led us out to the road.

We had only ran for fifteen minutes, but it was a mad sprint. I leant against a lamp post and attempted to catch my breath.

"Who was that?" Rowan asked, taking deep breaths between each word. He was lying on the floor; it was disgusting but still tempting.

"Kian," I replied for Pax. "His alpha."

Thank you for reading! This may be my regular updating schedule- but I wasn't sure if I was going to update today

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Thank you for reading! This may be my regular updating schedule- but I wasn't sure if I was going to update today. However we reached 1k views! So I thought it was a special occasion :D

What do you like to watch on Youtube?-if you watch anything at all-

Currently watching Good Mythical Morning, but I also like horror gameplay, Ginny Di, Mo Mo O'brien, NerdECrafter, Moriah Elizabeth, and quite a few more!

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