"What De? We can't just have a little bit of fun?," Keon asking me, brushing up against my spot, while sucking harder on my neck. Oh fuck me.

"It's n-never a little bit of f-fun with you," I replied, panting slightly as I reached my peak.

"You cumming for me baby? Do it baby. Cum for me," He coached me as I released into his other hand, that was now in my shorts.

"F-Fuck. Can I go now?," I asked him in hopes he didn't start shit with me. I was not trying to be late for this class.

"Mhm. I'll see you later right?," He spoke leaning down and kissing me.

"Yes, I'll see you later, but I really have to go," I told him hurrying out the room.

"Yo Desean, you going to class?," I heard Micah ask me as I walked out the door.

"Yep, you need a ride?," I asked him walking to my car as he followed me.

"Yea, I gotta take my car to the shop and I don't feel like taking the bus or calling an Uber. This ride is free right?," He asked me jokingly getting into the car with me.

"Yes it's free, dummy," I replied starting up the car.

"Alright bet," He spoke with a smile like he didn't already know I wasn't going to charge him.

"Annoying," I mumbled laughing a bit.

"Desean? Are you alright?," He asked me as I headed towards the campus.

"Yea I'm fine Micah. Thank you for last night and every other night you've been there when I've had a panic attack," I told him stopping at a red light.

"Well yea man, but just so we clear, I only help you so I can go back to sleep and not hear yo yelling," He spoke, trying to dodge me as I tried to hit him.

"You're always being a dick. I was having a moment with my bestie and you ruined it," I laughed looking over at him.

"Nah but seriously though, you don't have to thank me Desean. I'm Im your best friend. It's literally my job to look out for you. That's what I'm here for," Micah spoke giving me a small smile. "Alright now turn on some manly macho ass music. I'm about to throw up from all this mushy shit,"

"Whatever," I responded chuckling and finding something to listen too.

Once we arrived at the campus, I dropped him off at his building, before taking the short drive over to mine. I'm not late. Yes!

I hurried out of my car and made my way inside the building and to my class.

I hope this goes by fast.
"Yes mom, we're on our way now," I told my mother as I talked to her through the speaker of my car. We were supposed to be having a dinner and she was calling to make sure I was on my way. I had already texted her and told her that I was, but for whatever reason she I sister that we spoke on the phone.

"Are you bringing Keon?,"

"No mom, he has football practice and work tonight so it's just Micah and I,"

"How far are you?,"

"I'm not that far mom, but we still have to stop at the store. Look someone else is calling me. I'll call you back," I told her hanging up the phone.

"Ooooooo, I'm teeeeeelling,"Micah dragged out childishly, as we pulled into the Walmart parking lot.

"Shit tell. I don't even care," I told him shrugging and getting out of my car walking to the front.

"Well it's no fun in snitching if you don't care," He pouted walking with me. Whatever.

We walked in and to the pop isle, grabbing a few 2 liters that we wanted. After grabbing them and a few other snacks, we walked to self checkout line to pay. It was kind of a long line. This was gonna take a while.

Hood Baby II: Starting OverWhere stories live. Discover now