"Who?" Theo asks perking up.

"Was she hot?" Zavier adds before a cold glare hits him in all directions. "I'm just asking".

"She's pretty, yes Ambrose" I answer before the boys nod.

"I thought you were with Scarlett" Julian prys with a furrowed brow.

"Broke up before the summer started" l say, "also I said I'd be there in an hour and I have half an hour now" I add before heading upstairs.

"Pack protection" Zavier calls after me.

"Go fuck a cactus" I retort and scoffs are heard from the living room and I rush into my neatly organized room.

As expected the room sat looking untouched in the front corner of the house. We'd discussed the first night, what rooms we wanted and despite taking last pick the whole house gave me the master suite. Wasn't complaining though, a King bed and a view over the driveway, along with an area I'd decorated to be a sitting area along with a walk in full wooden closet the continued the view was just fine to me.

Why they let me have it I don't know.

Either way I didn't waste time to get everything put up and put in its own place.

Rushing into the closet I changed into a grey pullover and trousers seeing as it would seem at least somewhat better then slightly ripped jeans, and a matching V neck ribbed sweater.

Stepping into my bathroom I sprayed a single spritz of cologne over me before I walked out of my room shutting the doors behind me to go back downstairs.

"I swear you are treating it like a date" Zavier muses and I gave him a flat look in response.

"And if I am, which I'm not but if I was what then?" I propose and he doesn't respond.

"Then we know that you're having fun. Also twenty-five minutes" Lucian says looking up from the textbook in front of him.

Snatching my key from the front counter I walked out of the house and over to my car starting it just before I got in allowing me to swiftly drive off without wasting time.

Likely doing ten over the entire time I sat behind the wheel on my way to the Sorority where Arilynn lived I eventually pulled into the strip of colonial styled houses that appeared to be directly made for Harvard students.

Spotting the house number I pulled to the curb ignoring the lines where it says to not, and parked behind a TTS.

I then slid out of the car and leaned against the hood before calling Arilynn who picked up after the third ring.

"Nathan" she says almost matter-of-factly.

"Arilynn, I am here leaning against my car. I'd also hope I'm at the right house".

I then hear background voices but can't make out what they are saying before I see a curtain get pulled and someone peer out.

"Is that your car?" Arilynn asks.

"Yes, it's what I brought all my stuff up in. It's also my favourite so I decided this was what I'd drive. Also come down I technically shouldn't be parked here" I say and she laughs.

"Going to coffee with Harvard's bad boy am I" she teases and I laugh before hearing shushing.

"Not necessarily I'm sure someone else can have that title. I'm just here to pick you up for coffee on time I might add".

"Punctuality is a good trait" she assesses and I smile.

"Yes I suppose it is, I'll come to the door perhaps your dorm mates would like a better look at me since I can hear them listening" I laugh before walking up towards the front door of the house.

The Devils Of HarvardWhere stories live. Discover now