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It wasn't a very good disguise, but it would have to do. It was Yue's fault he was stuck like this anyway. It was his idea to keep on The Road all through the night instead of stopping at one of the campsites or inns depending on how close they were to a territory. Kait did her best given the options for clothing they had, but his white hair was distinct and seemed to have a mind of its own about being too warm under a hood. Obsidian was no help either, occasionally pulling a braid out when he wasn't looking. As long as he was cautious at any entrances it seemed ok- they hadn't seen any guards since they first got on. Proga went to rest as the combination of him and Yue drew extra attention. Kait had followed only when Spark agreed to hold onto her centipede that Yue kept threatening to toss if she opened it again.

Opal tended to agree with him there. The Prince yawned as he kept a careful hand on the wheel. He'd needed a little instruction before learning to keep it in a straight line but seemed determined to get it right.

"I presume you are enjoying your time on The Road, Opal?"

Opal lifted her eyebrows at his tone. "Why yes, my prince." She bowed and he laughed.

"Sorry-" he shook his head. "Something about being here is taking me back, in a bad way. I don't think I've ever walked it."

"I'm not sure if I have."

Yue nodded a few times, apparently lost in thought, then he narrowed his eyes. "You're in a good mood this evening."

"It's been an interesting day. I saw every kind of transportation I could imagine- and many I couldn't. I didn't know so many different types of demons existed. Not a lot of them look... well... human-ish."

"No- and a long time ago almost none did. Demons are of the earth and the humans were a very invasive species. Aggressive too. I'm sure you can read in lots of their books about their perceived victories over the monsters. Occasionally some of them actually listened to Guardians or trusted demons to keep them safe and assist with food. Some did that for a while, but for many of us who were able to harness energy directly from the earth, using it to change our appearance was needed for survival." He motioned to a group of bi-pedal sheep with long whip like tails. "If my father were to be believed, they would not have been around when he was young."

"So this is all things you learned in your home."

"All of us did. Ren excelled in tracing the linage of human monster tales to actual beings. The older brothers teased him for it, but in the end I think that was part of why he was chosen to present for Guardianship training. He was good at trends in peace keeping. " His smile fell as fast as it had come on.

Opal watched the small sheep ones chase each other, running in circles around the group. She cleared her throat. "When Kait took Spark's blood her hand changed."

"It's faster to cut and heal with her own hand then use a knife."

"So none of you really look like this."

"Yes and no. Many demons have multiple forms. As I said, the human-like option became pervasive. Kind of dull, actually."

"What else do you look like?"

"Mmmm..." His blue eyes brightened, glowing in the thin light. "Here is not the place but sometime I will show you. It's been a long time since being trapped in that prison, forced into an unnaturally extra human-like state. But, I thought you'd be more interested in what else you might look like."

"Me." Opal stared ahead. Along with not knowing who she was, she might not even know the way she looked. Or, could look. Could she control this? Maybe this was all she had.

"Opal- I apologize. That was too much. Are you ok?"

"Yes. No. I never know." She took a deep breath. "I'd rather have a warning than suddenly turn into a giant shrew or something."

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