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Dinner, while delicious, seemed to never end. Kait didn't look at anyone the entire time, even when Spark and Opal, after Corax's story took yet another detour further into the past, had a break from flicking food at each other to try and hit her instead. Proga again sat like there was a board against his back, only occasionally glancing at them. By the time the group made it back to the sleeping chamber it was again very dark outside.

Yue's reaction was minimal to the news and Opal wondered if that was just part of prince-ly training or if she had overestimated how important Bloom's story was. It was a while before he finally spoke.

"That was reckless."

"It was faster than the other options." Opal felt hurt. She'd only done what he'd requested.

"You don't understand. Last time we met with these demons they easily overpowered us and we had triple the numbers we have now."

"We are expecting them if they hear about us- we are chasing them this time and they don't know how many we are." Opal was surprised Proga was sticking up for the plan he had opposed so strongly.

"I didn't want to put any of you in danger while we are here."

Kait waved a dismissive hand. "We did it to ourselves and it's done now. What I want to know is did you get any information out of Corax."

Yue dragged a hand down his face and sighed. "Yes."

"I'm confused- shouldn't that be a good thing?" Opal cocked her head.

"But at what cost to my ears, Opal?"

"Stop being dramatic." Kait snapped. "What did you find out?"

"We weren't the only ones to be attacked around that time and it wasn't by other royals. Something... insidious is going on. Half the guardian prospects have disappeared in the last four years. It's been kept away from the general population to keep from causing panic. However apparently there was even a guardian whose body gave out before a successor was properly trained so rumors are spreading in the Dry Forest."

From the expression on Kait's and Proga's face that must have been really bad. Even Spark looked uneasy.

"But... why? That kind of instability would only increase Royal power. So if its not Royals doing it who then?"

"Corax mentioned he's seen an increase in avaricious demons. Its been causing quite an issue in smaller territories. Offspring born with little connection to the earth at all."

Opal put both her hands up. "Help."

Proga shook his head. "Demons are connected to animals... birds, deer, wolves, humans, but are born with connection to the earth that allows us access to energy those creatures can't. Well- some humans are able to learn but its not innate. We can get into details later but the important thing is this energy is limited. Normally when a demon died it returned to the earth. But it can be passed on to a living demon."

"So... it's a power thing?"

"It's a stupid thing to do. Its more likely to kill you or drive you insane then connect you to a different area of energy. I-" Spark paused and gave Yue a sideways look. "I've seen the ritual before. A couple times. The ones I watched failed."

Kait put a hand over her mouth. Proga's eyes went wide.

Although Yue's face registered disgust his voice was even. "That will be helpful information for us to know."

Spark relaxed.

Proga shook his head. "If we are dealing with the kind of demons that might be trying to do that with guardian candidates, I think we need to re-think our plan- as in, drop it and go back to the ice territories."

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