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Opal curled her dew-covered toes into the red grass and slurped the mash of foods she'd helped Proga forage for that morning. She swallowed and repressed a shudder until he was no longer looking. It wasn't bad but the texture was off-putting. After all the pampering they'd received at Corax's home it was hard to return to normal food again. Everyone was slowly coming to life as the morning sun grew brighter on the horizon. Except for Yue. He'd been awake even before she and Proga started out at dawn. When they returned, he was still sitting against the wagon, staring off into the distance. She understood why he wasn't able to sleep after Obsidian shared his story. It took awhile to get it out of him, what with his ability to focus so unpredictable. At the end though one thing was clear; he and Ren were both kept for a time in a locked cell together recently. Not deep underground in a dripping cave. It had been high above the ground, a white brightly lit room where wind whistled through the bars.

Ren had been kept in Lster and if Obsidian was even slightly correct about timing, they'd missed him by mere days. There was a moment after he explained this his eyes cleared and he took Yue's hand, apologizing for delivering what he knew to be painful news. Yue had waited for him to get the vague expression back on his face before he walked away. Since then, Yue'd barely spoken. Proga stretched his arms above his head and went to re-apply salve to Kait's still purple hands. She and Spark had awoken just after everyone had started to settle down for the night. Although Kait calmed immediately after seeing Yue and Proga were both safe, Spark, disoriented, had attempted to run. Proga's reflexes were good enough he'd caught the other demon before he was lost to the night. Even that brief burst of energy left the fire-demon drained and after finishing his food he'd immediately fallen back asleep.

Yue must have been waiting for them to finish because the second Gabbro set down his bowl. "We need to pack up."

Proga turned, holding one of Kait's hands carefully. "Let's allow everyone get on their feet before we move too far, Prince. The last thing we need is to prolong this journey if someone became sicker." As he said this his gold eyes flicked to Reugu who was shivering even sitting under a heavy blanket made from northern bird feathers. His breakfast hadn't been touched as he glared at everyone before getting up to rest elsewhere.

Yue followed his gaze, frowning. "Tomorrow, then. Staying in one place outside of any of the trials or territories wouldn't be safe, either."

Opal's mind immediately went back to their encounter with a Horde and decided she very much agreed with this idea.

"I can put up a warning barrier if you are concerned about unwelcome visitors." Gabbro stood.

Yue nodded.

"I think letting him go anywhere unescorted is a poor choice." Proga watched him carefully.

"You still don't trust me, shifter?"


Gabbro put one hand to his chest, as though wounded.

"I'll go with him." Opal volunteered.

"There. Opal can keep me from getting into trouble."

Proga frowned and shook his head. "Not Opal."

Opal felt her ears get warm. "Why not me, Proga?"

He opened his mouth but Kait touched his shoulder. "brother- do you want to come help me clean these?" She held up one of the stone bowls to Obsidian. Obsidian turned, dropped a handful of flower stems and grinned. "Of course, little sister!"

Kait smiled back at him, then her expression cooled when she turned back to Gabbro. "I'm sure he wouldn't dream of doing dangerous while with Opal."

Proga was still frowning when Opal turned away.

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