Kiyotaka Ayanokouji

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Although many were confused by what Ryuuen said, they didn't ask because it was likely that whatever was said earlier would be shown on the screen in the future.

While many students were discussing what would be broadcast, Ayanokouji was currently talk with Karuizawa about what would be showing next.

"Do you have any predictions of what will be showing next Kiyotaka?" Karuizawa fixed her gaze on Ayanokouji.

"That possibility was about how I changed our class exam leader back then." Ayanokouji thought that the possibility of that happening was very high because of the previous episode.

"Is there perhaps something important to make it go showed?" Karuizawa was curious what the interesting thing about it was to make it aired.

"Maybe there was something then." Ayanokouji did have thoughts about what would be interesting at the time to make it aired.

"Alright, because all the preparations have been fulfilled. Let's move on to Episode Sixteenth Theater Room, Kiyotaka Ayanokouji."

Batler Voice announces that the next episode will begin.

The students who heard the title given by Batler were confused because it was the first time that Theater Room had made a title like this.

They knew that the next thing that aired would most likely be about Ayanokouji again, but they really didn't expect that the title would use Ayanokouji own name.

Some students who have more mental capacity have started speculating about the clues and what will be shown next.

[I kicked the wet ground and ran after Ibuki. One bothersome problem was the weather. Depending on the weather, there might be the possibility of getting stuck somewhere or getting involved into an accident. It was also a concern the fact that the sun would go down sooner than I expected and it'd be difficult to push forward without a flashlight.

The passing shower became stronger and the wind was also starting to blow more violently. The weather was just one of the bad circumstances. There was no advantage here. Visibility could only be maintained for a few meters due to the pouring rain. And even if it looked like I lost my way, thanks to the rain, the footprints of two people remained on the muddy ground, so it was easy to follow them.

Those footprints suddenly vanished. No, they weren't interrupted, rather they continued in the deeper forest. This implied that the path changed sharply and the persons intentionally bought themselves into the forest, they didn't go astray. Using the flashlight, when I aimed the light deeper in the forest, the two pairs of footsteps gradually were entering deeper and deeper. There was no reason why those people would put their feet in a dangerous forest like that.]

Seeing how Ayanokouji was able to navigate the forest which was still night at the time, many began to think about what else Ayanokouji could do.

"It feels like there's nothing this guy can't do."

"From the way he walks and determines the direction when walking in the dark forest he is very good and does not experience confusion."

Most of the students also agreed that it was most likely that Ayanokouji did have a good knowledge of the forest situation.

[Just to be sure, I tried to illuminate the regular route leading to the beach, but there were no footprints there and the ground was clean. With my hand, I cleared away the dripping rain from my bangs. Then I followed the footprints and went into the forest.

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