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"Second group go!"
"Moron's, they never learn"
Hanae requiped a sword
"Breath of love: Fifth Form; Swaying Love, Wildclaw"
*Hanae did somersaults backwards through the air creating a long whip-like string of attacks that hit many marines*

"Treinta fleurs"
*Robins hand sprout out of the ground to grab the marines, they then fall flat on their faces*
"Master nails"
*Nails start coming out of franky's mouth and hitting the marines*

"Th-third group, go! Fourth group and fifth group, top! All together, get them!
"What a big pain in the ass"
*Hanae requiped a bow and arrow, Hanae's arrows have wisteria poison on them, they start aiming at the marines and firing at them*
"Geez...one after another...i agree they are, hey y/n, robin stand back a little...weapons left!"
*Franky aims and fires an explosion at the marines*
"Fresh fire"
*franky blows fire out of his mouth at the marines*
"Franky boxing"
*franky starts punching them*
*franky does his signature pose*
"What offensive power...!"
"We can't possibly fight back"

The marines then start walking backwards, scared
"Not enough for you?...then...franky...convert...franky centaur"
"What the fuck am i looking at..."
"He's a horse"
"No wait...he's not a horse, his upper body is attached in the back"
"Then he's a monster"
The marines start running, frankys starts running too
"Hold it, you bastards"
"What the fuck"
"I said hold it you bastards"
"Hey, you idiots, don't run away, fight him!"

*Robin sprouts hands on the marines back and starts hitting them in the head*
The marines end up jumping off the bridge and into the water
Hanae was cutting people left and right
"Tch this is becoming such a big pain the ass, i better get twice the pay i would usually get, dammit dragon, your lucky that the government doesn't know about me being a revolutionary"

Marines kept coming, to kill you franky and robin
"Dammit, they're persistent, y/n you alright, you look like your about to pass out"
"J-just keep fighting, i'm fine"
Hanae was heavy breathing
"You can stand back and take a break"
"Just shut up! I'm fine"
Hanae snapped back at franky and robin
"Alright...she's lying...she probably just doesn't want to be a burden to us...y/n...i need to talk to her later...based solely on the head count they're like a first-class military force"

Behind the fog, Hanae could see ten battleships heading their way, heading to enies lobby, robin falls to the ground
"Oh, no"
"This serves you right! They're here, they're finally here!"
Canons started firing at enies lobby, destroying the buildings
"Hey! Look at this, this bridge is safe, that's because i'm the chief of CP9"
"What a crazy sight..."
"So this is what a buster call looks like"
"Hm? Hey, are you..."
"She looks like she's about to have a breakdown"
"Buster call...merciless, indiscriminate cannon fire...it destroys anything and everything, it's hellfire...that tragedy is...that grisly event is...happening again..."
"She must've been extremely traumatized by a buster call..."

"Once this is all over, i'll be able to become the worlds hero, the buster call sounds like a gun salute for me"
Spandome laughs
Hanae turn's around to see a huge fist
"Did you see that,cutty flam?! It's all over for you guys! Or rather, it was all over from the start"
"It's a bit early to say that when the fight isn't over yet"
"The one who is fighting straw hat is lucci, he's the strongest man in the history of CP9, you might've been able to get rid of the others okay, but lucci's another story entirely, once straw hat is taken out, you're next clutty flam, and you Hanae i'll be taking to back to where you belong to The Holy Land Mariejois"
The ship that luffy was on was blown up but the navy's battleships
"Straw hat, was going on a rampage on that battleship just a while ago, but now he's been blown up to pieces"
"Serves you guys right, your captain had died"
"Hey,hey... they fired at the ship while their own men were on it"
"How awful...i hate people who kill their own...teach...how dare you kill thatch...i'll kill you the next time i see you...i promise you!"
"This is the attack of a buster call, the attack i set in motion, this is justice, clutty flam, nico robin hand Hanae over to us! She committed a crime worse then just being able to read the ancient text"
"Crime? Hanae what crime did you commit?"
"She killed many celestial dragons and government officials, and is capable of reading the ancient text! Killing any celestial dragons is a serious crime, more than anything in the world! That bitch deserves to die in the name of justice, if you do give us Hanae crimson and nico robin in return, i could make your charges go away, why do you have to protect those women in the first place? You're not even a pirate, are you saying you'd trust those dangerous women who one carries ohara blood in her veins and the other, who has the blood of the most dangerous criminal to ever live who will i bet continue her mother's legacy, over to the world government that protects ordinary people every day?! Those girls have no one, no one even cares about them, no one would want them, their worthless the only purpose they'll ever have in life was help other criminals but now they'll be with us and die a miserable death"

"Yes... I get it now... just look at you... you're pathetic...your completely worthless, you might as well give up and die, not even your dear old father can save you... your weak body... stupid mind... and your desperation will just burden them all and consume everyone you hold dear... they will all end up dying and it'll be your fault, idiot, don't you see how worthless you are, your only here for other people to use you and have you as their way to get the ancient weapons and the one piece... wake up get that threw your thick scull. I don't. Want. You."

*flashback ended*

Hanae falls to the ground and start heavy breathing starting to zone out
"Hey! You okay? Not you too... dammit what kind of burden is she carrying...what did she go through to look like that..."

"Poison her for trying to escape"
"You useless girl"
"Shut up, this is your punishment"
*end of flashback*

"A living hell...for four years of my life I was in a living hell and even throughout my life was hell, I've lost too many people in my life...i might just as well..."


"You are the moon, unaware of the dawn, may your purpose be fulfilled... and cast ten shadows on the night of woven of 20 years and you shall know the brilliance of dawn!"

*flashback ended*

"No i can't die here...not yet...it's been 18 years since their death...2 more years until they come back"

Hanae got up, brushed off the dirt that was on het clothes
"Are you okay?"
"You were zoned out for quite a while, come, franky as a ship ready for us to go on, when the others come back, we can finally leave"
"Don't touch me, i'm fine"
"Thankyou by the way, you risked your life to help and save me"
"Shut up and let's go"

Hanae and robin came on to the ship
"Hey you two, glad your okay Hanae, but now, all we have to do is wait for straw hat and the others"
"Somethings coming up"
"What's that?"
All three of them see kokoro in her mermaid form
"I'm gonna erase that from my memory...holy shit..."
Hanae falls to the ground
"I wish i never had to see something that ugly...i need to get that out of my memory dammit"
Robin laughed
"I thought you were quiet mean and cruel but i can see that you can still crack up jokes, let me help you up"
Robin reach out her hand
"Can I really take it...no, no i can't"
Hanae pushed away her hand
"I can help myself up"

Hanae and robin turn around to see the other straw hats
"This can only be described as a miracle...they must've...they must've received a tremendous shock, they all stopped breathing so they didn't swallow much water"
"Good thing they're all okay...but...what on earth could have shocked them enough to make them stop breathing?"
"Is she serious?!"
"It was you"
"I agree, i'm trying to ease that picture from my mind so PUT ON SOME DAMN CLOTHES OLD HAG"
"...hm? You must be the friend that pirate king kid came to rescue, i saw you at the shift station, right? I remember"
"Back then... i never thought that you guys would pull something like this"
"Put some clothes on, you damn old hag"
"Franky's one to talk, he's only in underwear and a shirt that's not even done up"
"I laughed when I heard him say he was gonna be king of the pirates...but who knows? It might actually happen, he reminds me of dear old roger, don't you agree Hanae"
"I guess"
The other straw hats start waking up
"Is nami-san okay?
"You guys are as tough as ever"
"I'm glad you're alive"
"AHHH! So it was real, mermaids really don't exist"
"So the tales were true about people seeing a mermaid then realizing it was actually a dugong.You morons! She still hasn't said she's a mermaid yet don't give up on the dream yet"
"I'm an icefish mermaid"
"Stop it, don't say "icefish"

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