Chapter Twenty Three Magic Hands

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Y/n sits up looking confused, what is it?
"All this time we have spent together something has torn us apart almost every time" magic has gotten in the way, time has gotten in the way, modern times..... I..I
"Winnie, tis ok sometimes in life we face things that aren't in normal relationships" this is no ordinary relationship, magical, immortal. Together forever!
Winifred sighs... y/n I think you should go home....
Wait what? Y/n says shocked? Why?
For the first time in... well ever I feel remorse. "Like you said, those words really hurt"
I know, I was trying to reach you in a human way, instead of magical. You see I'm a huge fairytale fan. "True loves kiss didn't work and I ran out of ideas"
What if smashing the ticking thing didn't work? Winifred asks?
Well I wouldn't have known, I made it up as I went and just hoped something would trigger your memory, even if it meant dying in the process.

"If thee died Mavis and Lexie would've won, to hurt my sisters and I. My sisters care about you like a sister".
Y/n smiles, I'm glad to hear that but I'm not going anywhere, grabbing Winifred's hands "we will figure out something"
Leaning in for a kiss y/n hears heavy breathing and footsteps approaching.
Richard? Y/n calls out?
Wh... where are the witches?
Richard sees Winifred and runs...
Wait Richard y/n says chasing after Richard
"They remember, you aren't going to die." Just go home you'll be safe!
Yeah I think I'm leaving town this... this sucks
Richard runs into the woods, out of sight.

Y/n jumps suddenly because Winifred out her arms around you from behind, "oh my gosh"
"Haha got you"
Hey... y/n laughs turning to face Winifred. Shall we go to bed? Uh... to sleep?
I don't know about you but I feel like I haven't slept in ages.
Sleep.. yes Winifred grabs y/n's hand walking back to the cottage.

The wind is chilly sending a shiver down y/n's spine, cuddling closer to Winifred putting her arm around you as you walk in sync towards the front door and up the stairs.
Y/n reaches for the door handle opening the door, still holding Winifred's hand you walk inside.
Winifred closes the door, locking it behind her.
Continuing to walk past the fireplace, heading towards the stairs
"Dumpling, you go ahead, I'll be up in a moment"
Ok Winnie, I'll see you up there. Walking up the old stairs creaking beneath your feet y/n walks to the bedroom door opening it and walking over to the wardrobe. Changing into a night gown and laying down on the bed. "Creaking as y/n lays down"

"Hmm this is nice and cosy" y/n thinks to themselves all that's missing is Winifred.
Y/n let's out a sigh, looking at the door
Y/n notices something peaking out from under the bed, y/n bends their body hanging half off the bed and lifting the covers y/n finds the book..
oh this thing again? Y/n gets up putting the Latin book back into the bookshelf. Hm "these dusty books look ancient"
Y/n hears footsteps coming up the stairs "hmm my turn" y/n says quickly hiding behind the door.

Winifred walks into the room with a sigh, reaching for the door to close it.
GOTCHA! Y/n grabs Winifred's arm "oh my dumpling" don't do that....
Hehe, "payback"
"Oh like that is it"? Winifred says grinning and closing the door, spinning y/n around you my dumpling have been naughty.

Oh? Have I now? Y/n says in a flirty voice smiling and biting their bottom lip
Winifred pulls out a blindfold, with a wicked grin "yes" she says putting the blindfold over y/n's eyes.
Very naughty. Playfully nibbling y/n's ear
"Ohh my" y/n shakily moans
Winifred tightens the blindfold gently, guiding y/n towards the bed
Y/n's breath quickens, feeling Winifred's hands on their shoulders, moving down the arms, to the waist and then the hips.
Pulling y/n back against her, Winifred kisses y/n's neck "oh god" y/n moans while her hands rub up and down y/n's hips. 
Y/n's breath becomes heavy
Winifred moves her hands slowly towards y/n's nipples, teasing them with her finger tips.
Y/n reaches behind them placing their hands on Winifred's hips, moving their hands up and down.
"Oh no dumpling" Winifred says holding y/n's arms, allow me. Spinning y/n around kissing y/n gently on the lips. Lifting y/n's chin the kiss turns passionate "mmm y/n moans"
Winifred takes a step forward leaning into y/n pushing you both down onto the bed. Y/n puts their hands on the back of Winifred's head, running their fingers through Winifred's hair.
"Hmhm" Winifred let's out a moan "Dumpling"

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