Chapter Eighteen Birthday Wish

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Spiders scare me if you think that is big you should see them where I came from originally, Australia. They are huge!
Ohh do they taste good? Sarah asks excitedly
Y/n frowns uhh I don't eat spiders Sarah, y/n laughs, you'd have to eat one there and tell me.
Silly girl, Winifred says
Do not worry dumpling the spider is for a special potion, to help my sisters get their power back.
Phew y/n breathes a sigh of relief
Sisters join hands, Winifred says holding her hands up.
We shall go to the altar and get thee powers back, dumpling? Winifred says turning to y/n
Wait here for us, we shall return, I love you y/n says
And I thee winifred smiles. Walking across the wooden floors, opening and closing the door they have gone.
Hmmm y/n thinks, I will clean up and prepare a cake for Winnie. Turning towards the stairs, walking up the creaky floors and entering Winifred's room. Y/n waves their hand the salt disappears and the bed starts making itself. A scent of pine fills the room, y/n sniffs.
Ahhh a breath of relief, that smells nice. Now for an outfit, since I'm back in 2922 I can wear something revealing.
Y/n stands in front of the mirror, changing outfits, one after the other. But nothing seems right!
Maybe? A nice cocktail dress/ suit/ pants suit, simple black but modest, y/n twirls PERFECT!

Y/n runs downstairs and prepares a cake, the human way.
Ok I need flour
Vanilla extract
Chocolate chips
Coca powder
Baking powder.....
A spoon to stir, butter.
Y/n preheats the oven and starts preparing the cake mixture. Mixing the batter, but doesn't lick the spoon because y/n is vegan. Now a dish for the mixture y/n says. Reaching up on the top shelf grabbing the oven pan.
Y/n blows off some dust and puts the mixture in and starts greasing it. Pouring the batter into the pan and putting the cake into the oven. 20 minutes and it's done, now for the icing-
Icing sugar, water, coca powder, adds to a small dish and waits for the oven to ding.
Y/n hums and wonders if the sisters are ok. Surely they will be, Sarah and Mary will catch Winnie up on modern times.

Meanwhile at the altar:
It's a nice evening, not cold, not hot. Calm and still
Winifred says calmly take my hands and we will gain the power back.
Sarah and Mary hold Winifred's hands and breathe in and out, Mary opens one eye- sister Tis not working!
Patience, Sarah says
Winifred remains silent
A glow comes out of Winifred's hands, illuminating her sisters. A flash of light and they have their powers back.
Oh winnie thank thee her sisters say
Winifred smiles, ah sisters shall we celebrate?
Sarah smiles winnie we have a surprise for thee, at the cottage. Sarah smiles and grabs Winnie's hand.
Let's go Mary says grabbing Winnie's other hand.

Winifred looks puzzled but goes along with them heading back toward the cottage.

Back in the cottage.
Y/n is icing the cake and adding green and purple candles, oh wait decorations? Y/n clicks fingers and the cottage is covered in birthday decorations.
Y/n is proud, squeals in delight, now I need to get a present for winnie, book? Help me out here what could I do for winnie? As a birthday gift? Maybe a special wish? And a new dress? Book shakes and flips to the wish spell, enchant candles, make a wish and it'll come true after the candles are blown out.
The spell:

This simple wish is mine to cast, a magic spell to make it last, I close my eyes a little shiver, this wish to me now please deliver.

Y/n enchants the candles and conjures up a beautiful dress for winnie.
Keeping the signature colours, purple and green. Y/n needs wrapping paper, clicks fingers and the dress is wrapped gold coloured paper.
Y/n picks up the gift and puts it next to the cake on the table, hmm what about food? This is a party after all.
Y/n claps and pastries, finger food, chips, drinks and hors d'oeuvres appear filling the cottage with the aroma of food. Smells good.

Y/n hears footsteps and laughter, y/n smiles to theirselves I guess it went well. The door swings open, Winifred walks in first looking around smiling, ohhh this is lovely.
Sisters was this your idea?
It was our idea Mary says
The altar was a distraction so y/n could set up. Even though we did really loose our magic Sarah says
Winifred looks at y/n walking towards them
Y/n smiling, happy birthday Winnie, y/n embraces Winifred come open your present.
Sarah and Mary smile at the sight of the food
Ohh Winnie look.... Food!
Soon Mary y/n says after the cake y/n says pointing to the cake.
The cake looks funny Sarah says
I made it by hand, not by magic chuckles
Oh... Sarah says
Oh it is fine Winifred says, but Winnie y/n says it's a special cake the candles will grant you a wish. Any wish you desire

OH? Winifred thinks for a moment, walking up to the table
Y/n lights the candles with a click

What will thy wish for sister? Mary says

I...I don't know sisters....
Perhaps.... For us to never be separated? Sarah suggests?
Yes, maybe Winifred says
It's your wish Winnie y/n says putting their hands on Winifred's shoulders.
Winifred rubs y/n's hand with hers
Y/n smiles
Do you know what you're going to wish for?

Shall we sing? Y/n says: oh plea..

Happy birthday to you / Happy birthday to you / Happy birthday, dear [winnie] / Happy birthday to you!"
Hip hip
Winifred makes her wish: I wish we all would stay together, no dying, never being separated, happy together. Forever

Winifred looks a little embarrassed but blows out the candles, a gust of wind blows
Sarah and Mary clap
I forgot one thing Y/n says
What is that Winifred says?
Birthday kisses y/n smiles and puts their hand on Winifred's face giving her kisses. A tradition where I come from. Birthday kisses and..... y/n stops mid sentence uh... never mind.
Mary laughs
Sarah doesn't get it...
Winifred laughs, slaps y/n playfully on the arm
Oh now don't forget birthday girl cuts the first piece of cake, y/n holds out their hand and a knife appears.
Here you go Winnie, y/n here's the knife, y/n passes the knife to Winnie.
Winifred takes the knife and slices four pieces, oh a special occasion I can magically remove the dairy and eggs from my slice.
We all take a bite of our slices of cake, I like this cake Sarah says Mary nods in agreement with chocolate on her face.
Y/n chuckles and looks at Winifred who's staring back at you.

Do you like your cake Winnie?
Winifred nods, yes
I'm glad my love y/n says wrapping their arms around Winifred's waist hugging her close.
Winifred finishes her mouthful of cake and embraces y/n back, hmmm y/n says with content.
Still embracing, y/n holds Winifred at arms length, oh your gift don't forget to open it.
Sarah hands Winifred the gift, Winifred sits down and unwraps the gift.

It's beautiful Sarah says
Yes Winnie it will suit thee Mary says
Winifred stands and holds the dress against her body, I love it she says. Are you going to put it on? Y/n asks

Yes Winifred twirls and she's wearing the dress y/n stares in amazement in awe. Wow!
Holding out her hand toward y/n you take her hand and spin her around laughing together. Pulling you closer Winifred kisses y/n while still twirling slowly, y/n has wanted more of these kisses for years. Y/n pulls Winifred closer to them backing up towards the lounge sitting down with Winifred still embracing and kissing.

Winifred stops for a moment, I just want to look at thee
Winifred says stroking y/n's neck
Winnie it's ok y/n says, knowing she's thinking about holding the dagger to your throat yesterday and making you bleed.
Grabbing Winifred's hand gently, kissing it softly.
I will never raise a hand to thee again Winifred promises y/n.
Y/n leans in and kisses Winifred again

Dumpling x the Sanderson sisters. (Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now