Chapter Six Confession

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Darling don't worry you are mine Winifred says with open arms.

Confused y/n walks into her embrace. You're not afraid anymore I know in my heart that they aren't going to kill me.

What are you doing with the body y/n says and looks up at Winnie.

With the wave of her hand Bella's body turns to ash.


Mesmerised I see, Winifred says to y/n.

Yes, I knew witchcraft was real but seeing it with my own eyes is.... Is, amazing.

Winifred chuckles ohh dumpling she says cupping y/n's face.

Y/n staring into her eyes, all I want right now is to kiss her. Y/n puts their arms around Winnie's waist and smiles.

Ooh sister I think she likes thee Sarah says.

Ooh sister y/n is turning red- Mary says.

Omg i say as I burry my head into Winnie's chest.

All Winifred can do is laugh, oh dear is Sarah telling the truth? Dost thee love me?

There it is y/n thinks the million dollar question. I... I do yes Winifred. Ever since Salem high school. Even though you and I never spent much time together. I fell for you the day of the incident with Mavis and her sisters.

Ohh I remember that day Winnie Sarah says: you helped y/n get vengeance.

I remember Winifred snarls at Sarah.

It is true Winnie- that day, you and your sisters saved me. Mavis is a cruel person but she's only human and thanks to you she left me alone and bullied Bella.

Mary chuckles- oh Winnie is good at getting bullies to beg.

Y/n chuckles- Winifred please I know that a relationship between two women is frowned upon in this time but... I....

Y/n's words are silenced by Winifred's lips pressing on yours. That moment you've been waiting for.... For the last 10 years. Since graduating and the rumours omg.

Y/n- you start running your hands through Winnie's hair, she pulls you even closer.

Sarah and Mary walk away, making kissing noises. Which makes y/n laugh.

Winifred takes a step back, y/n has to catch thy breath- Winifred grabs y/n's hand again and sparks of lightning fly again.

What was that? Y/n asks, that's twice now.

Winifred smiles- and motions y/n to follow her.

Book darling- wake up. Book shakes and opens to a page.

I am confused y/n says.... Look here Winifred says pointing with her finger.

You lean in and read:
When a witch finds her true love sparks of lightning will crack when you touch hands. If it happens thrice- it is true love.

You can't believe your eyes, it's happened twice now. Once more and you know. It's true love.

Y/n puts an arm around Winifred and turns to her. Winnie I love you.

Winifred smiles- I love thee too dumpling. Y/n grabs Winifred's hands and starts twirling.

Oh I am so happy Winnie- y/n says with delight.

Winifred seems distracted, are you ok? Y/n asks?

Winifred sighs, I have not been with anyone since..... Billy

Y/n cups Winifred's face, oh Winnie my love, I promise thee I am not like Billy. I will not leave thee. I only have eyes for you-

Winifred smiles- and turns around. Facing away from y/n.

Y/n wraps their arms around Winifred's waist from behind. Come on Winnie, I understand how you feel. Being heart broken, then having the town laugh at you.

I will not laugh at thee. Y/n kisses Winifred on the cheek. Hmmmm? Come on look at me.

Winnie- Mary calls out I think thee needs to see this. Mary points out the window.

Y/n let's go of Winifred's waist and follows behind. Winnie looks out the window and gasps.

Impossible she says.

What is it Winnie y/n says......

A prank Sarah says. Someone has T.P'd the tree.

Y/n can't help but laugh. Oh no I am sorry but it's Halloween after all.

Sarah steps outside and starts dancing.

Oh Sarah Winifred says rolling her eyes and shutting the window.

Winnie, can we talk? Alone?

Sister Sarah and I will stay here, finish the potion and meet thee at town hall.

Y/n smiles- come Winnie shall we fly?

Y/n grabs Winnie's broom here is your broom. Ah- Winifred puts her arms around y/n and starts to fly.

Ohh... y/n shrieks. This is high very high.

Winifred laughs, no dumpling this is high. With a woosh the broom goes high above the clouds. Omg Winifred y/n says closing their eyes.

Winifred stops flying and just hovers. Y/n look at me, open your eyes.

Y/n slowly turns their head to face Winifred, we are high really high.

Oh dumpling, Winifred grabs y/n and pulls them closer. You will not fall I have thee. As Winifred wraps her arms around y/n and leans in for a kiss.

Y/n- mmm the feeling of floating up here in Winifred's arms feels unreal. Y/n can feel Winifred's cape flapping about in the wind.

There's a change in temperature all of a sudden.

Winifred pulls away from y/n..... with a worried look she says we must go... hold on

Woosh.... Down down we fly until we are near the ground. Y/n you need to hide..... hallow ground I cannot touch but thee can.

Y/n wait... I....

Winifred shoves y/n off the broom and flies off.

Dumpling x the Sanderson sisters. (Fem reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ