Chapter Twenty One knowledge gained now lost

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WHO ART THOUH? Winifred screams glaring at y/n
Y/n gulps
I am y/n we went to school together?
Yes sister she was Bella's friend, Sarah tells Winnie
I do not remember thee
Seriously Winnie? Y/n says?
This is pathetic y/n says in anger
What dost thou mean? Winifred says
Oh nothing, Lexie is Bella, Mavis is her mother and once again you don't remember me. Y/ n rolls their eyes.
This has been an eventful night and I'm over this magic shit!
Language, Mary says
Oh fuck my language y/n says
Hold thee tongue or I will cut it out Winifred says walking towards y/n
"Again, not again y/n thinks to themselves"
No no.. y/n backs up
Winifred smiles ah maybe we should brew a batch of the potion sisters, what dost thou think?
Y/n laughs
Winifred looks confused, why are thou laughing?
Because I am 27.....
27? Mary says ohh maybe a child will be better sister
Yes, a boy? Sarah says happily
Shut up, Winifred says
Y/n laughs and face palms...... oh
Winifred looks mad "come here" she says stepping forward towards y/n

"Y/n thinks, great if I run it'll be a all night chase, pain and agony. If I go with them she may kill me. Does she think it's 2022 or 1693?"

What year is it? Y/n asks the sisters
Yes, what year is it?
1693, Winifred says
No, it's 2022 Winifred
It can't be, Winifred denies
Look at your house, it is a shop and has electricity, it's modern, look around thee. The forest is gone, the house looks nicer than it was 329 years ago. Inside is slightly different.
Impossible Mary says looking at the house
Ohh our house Sarah says......

Look at your dress Winifred, ''twas a birthday gift from me...... y/n says
Oh yes Winnie your dress is different Sarah says
Ohh pretty Mary says touching the material
Winifred smacks their hands away
Looking down, what?
Winnie you look divine Mary says
Winifred smiles, did you gift me this?
I did, look Winifred If thou dost not believe me come, I will show thee..
Walking between the sisters and towards the door.
Are you coming? Y/n says
Winifred walks ahead of her sisters following y/n inside
With a look of confusion, what has happened?
I told thee it's 2022
Where is book?
Upstairs in your room away from customers
Customers? Sarah asks
Yes customers, like I said this is a shop, in exchange for the town leaving you and your sisters alone Sarah and Mary made a deal. To teach basic witchcraft and not kidnap children.
Why would they make that deal? Winifred wonders
Because you are immortal now, ask book.... You and your sisters found an immortality potion in 1693 and haven't died since.
Haven't aged, that's why thou house is a shop
Until I can help get thee memory back I will keep the shop closed, no one will bother thee.....
Humph Winifred grunts, boooooook she calls out

Where are my rat tails? And my spider?
Your spider died Sarah but your rat tails are in your room. Where you left them y/n tells Sarah. Sarah smiles snd runs upstairs.
Sister, I will go with Sarah, Mary runs after her sister.

Book comes hovering downstairs into Winifred's arms
Ah book is what this girl says true? Dost thou know her?
Book shakes and turns to the friendship spell page
Oh there's a friendship spell in there y/n says ?
Hmm, are we immortal? Winifred asks book
Book flips to the immortal spell
Closing book Winifred turns to face y/n
So thou was telling the truth?
Yes, I am not dumb enough to lie to thee Winifred.
What is thou name?
See we know each other observe y/n points to a painting she had done with the sisters.
Winifred touches the painting admiring the brush work, tis beautiful
It's good to see you smile Winnie
Winifred spins around touching y/n's arm
Y/n jumps a little thinking " oh gosh please don't choke me or hurt me"
Tell me? Why are you here?
Well you and I are lovers Winifred, I just got you back from the dark place.....
The dark?.... Winifred freezes for a moment
She snaps out of her trance, I was chained to a wall.. thinking thy sisters were dead... and you? I tried to kill thee thinking you were mother witch?
Yes, that's right, you're scary when mad Winnie
Haha, Winnie laughs ohh, she claps

Dumpling x the Sanderson sisters. (Fem reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon