Chapter Ten Welcome To Thy Coven

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Downstairs.... Winifred and I sit up. What was that?

Winifred gets out of bed and waves her hand and she's dressed. I pick up my clothes and put them on. Forgetting that the top has been torn we both rush downstairs to find Sarah and Mary cooking.

Oh Sarah you clutz Mary yells.
Sorry- Sarah says. She's dropped a plate and it's shattered.

Morning girls y/n says with a wave.

Hello dear Mary says

Hey, Sarah says. I heard you, Sarah smiles. Through the wall'
Mary laughs

Winifred turns red.

Oh firecracker are you turning red y/n points at Winifred, hush she says in an embarrassed tone.

Sarah Mary and I giggle. Y/n hugs Winnie. So my dear what is the plan today?

Sarah gives Winnie a coffee- for you Winnie .

Winnie takes the cup, thank thee.

Mary gives y/n a coffee too, thank thee y/n says.

Well let's talk Winifred says. We want Salem to fear us. To not bother us. Something we need to do. To remind them of our power we are the most powerful coven to ever exist.

Or to ever exist Sarah says.

Y/n, what if we take the crops? The new mayor cannot run a town without crops. Bad weather and dying crops.

Hmmm Winifred thinks tsk tsk no we need something bigger better. Like.....

Like what Winnie Mary says?

Chaos, crime... we bewitch the town to do our bidding, they fear us and worship us.

Oh Winnie yes......

Y/n- pov, chaos? Y/n thinks. If this was 2022- that wouldn't work but there's no technology here. What if the supply's couldn't get into town? Or if there was some error of some sorts.

Winifred decides to- cause a panic by summoning a plague of flies. Sarah, get book.

Yes Winnie right away.

Here, Sarah hands book to winny. Dazzle me darling Winnie says. Book opens to a page, a curse on thy town. Perfect this spell requires nothing but our words. A chant.

Y/n, when?

Now Winnie says.... Now
But.... Thee might want to change.. pointing at my shirt

Y/n looks down, oh my. Winnie laughs. Oh dumpling.... Clicking her fingers she has summoned a nice dress for me. It's a nice shade of dark blue and purple, with a corset.

Ohh y/n says with a twirl thank thee. Y/n kisses Winnie on the cheek and sits down at the table.

The spell for the flys-

I summon thee flying insects, fly through this town, make it bare, full of despair- thy don't care.
Y/n, that's it? That simple?
Mmhmm Winifred says.

Come sisters, join hands. Winifred grabs my hand, you too dumpling are part of our coven join us.
Y/n smiles and takes Sarah's hand too.

We stand in a circle- and chant: I summon thee flying insects, fly through this town, make it bare, full of despair- thy don't care.
A black cloud of smoke starts buzzing around and around, out the window.
Y/n I can't help but think of the wizard of oz fly my pretty fly. But then I remember it's 1693 tv doesn't exist. Y/n smiles to their self.

Ahhh yes Winnie look, Mary points. We all walk out the front door to see the flies eating almost everything in its path beyond the woods.

Marvellous Winnie says-

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