Chapter Sixteen She's A Maniac

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But what....
A lightning bolt hits the wall right near Mary and Sarah, AHHHHHH they scream.
Winnie, Sarah calls out,
Go! Y/n says find a way to open that portal I'll hold Winnie off as best as I can GO!
Sarah and Mary run away, Winnie walks out from the green mist, lightning charging in her hands.
Y/n takes a deep breath and steps forward toward Winifred, Winnie remember last time we saw each other ? It was just like this.... But no portal to throw me through

Winifred laughs, pest.... She throws a bolt of lightning at y/n
But anticipating her next move y/n rolls out of the way
Winifred throws another bolt but y/n moves out of the way again
Damn, Winifred yells, I will get thee...
Y/n runs, Winifred chases after them catching up grabbing y/n digging her nails into y/n's arms drawing blood.
Ouch, y/n cries out in pain, stop...
Winifred turns y/n around slamming y/n into the stone wall, dust falls onto y/n and a crack appears. Winifred slams y/n a second time into the wall and puts one hand around y/n's throat smiling mischievously at y/n. Now, let's see if I do this.....
Winifred digs a nail into y/n's shoulder, piercing the skin drawing blood again.
Aghhhh, y/n yelps, pleading with Winifred y/n puts their hands around Winfred's hand trying to loosen her grip.
Uh uh uh, Winifred says waving her finger and gripping tighter, with blood on her finger she licks the blood off while smiling.
All y/n can do is cry, it's been years and Winifred is being cruel more cruel than normal.


Winifred looses grip and falls forward, unconscious. Woah woah... y/n grabs Winifred and lays her down.

Mary had hit Winnie over the head with a rock, to knock her out. Phew sorry sister. Is thee ok? Mary asks?
Y/n coughs, ye... yes I am ok
Let's go home, grab my hand we can channel the power through Winnie. Sarah?
Sarah looks around the corner, Tis Winnie ok?
She will be y/n says
Sarah, Mary and y/n hold hands with Winnie and we think home....

The portal opens, all 3 of us lift Winifred and walk through the portal.
We are home Sarah says, but what do we do with Winnie?
I think we should take her upstairs to her room and put a spell on her room so she cannot leave. Just until we figure out a way to help her remember. Y/n suggests.
Mary? Can you carry Winnie upstairs?
Sure sister, Mary picks Winifred up and walks upstairs followed by Sarah and y/n.
Sarah opens the door and Mary walks in placing Winifred on her bed. Ohh Winnie Sarah sighs.

Y/n what will you do?
I'll stay with her, you two get some sleep I'll ask book if there's a binding spell I can cast on the room. And I'll help you both get your power back tomorrow at the altar, y/n hugs Mary and Sarah good night.
Good night sister they say in unison, Mary and Sarah leave the room shutting the door behind them.
Y/n hears their footsteps fade and two doors open and close, turning towards the bed you walk over to Winifred and sit down beside her stroking her face oh Winnie what has happened to thee?
Y/n gets up and paces, oh right book! Y/n walks to the door opening it and walks downstairs. Wait! I don't need a binding spell I need salt....... Y/n checks the cupboard, no, no salt tsk tsk...
Y/n checks the shelf, ahh salt there is some. Y/n grabs the salt and a notepad and pen.
Warning salt barrier behind door xo y/n, sticking the note on the door y/n enters the room closing the door behind them.

Ok salt, y/n puts a line of salt across the crack of the door, walking over to the bed y/n draws a circle of salt around the bed. Big enough so Winifred can stand but not get too close, there that should do it y/n says. Closing the salt and placing it near the door, getting into your pjs and sitting on the lounge thinking what you'll say when Winifred regains conciseness. If you don't fall asleep in the meantime since you are tired, being strangled and feeling drained of power.

Y/n lays down on the lounge for a minute......or so y/n thought, sitting up you see Winifred standing near the edge of the bed at the circle of salt.
Y/n smiles
Winifred stands with her arms crossed
Morning y/n says cheerfully
What has thou done? Winifred asks?
What is this?
A salt barrier, until I can convince thee that I am not in your head, that your sisters are in fact alive. Look around Winnie this is your room, as it was when you last saw it.
Winifred tries to throw a bolt of lightning but it hits the force field of salt
Y/n did duck but no impact, Winifred looks annoyed.
Salt blocks dark magic Winnie, remember?
I'll prove it, book? Y/n calls out. Oh wait, y/n gets up and opens the door kicking the salt barrier blocking the door. Book?
Book hovers upstairs, hey book we need to help Winnie, she isn't herself yet please don't go to her until we are sure she's herself.
She will kill us if she gets a hold of you, book shakes in agreement.
See Winifred? Book is here
Winifred gets up and gasps book?
Yes Winnie Tis book y/n says, believe me now? Her eyes soften this is a trick isn't it?
No,no it's not....
Well if it's no trick let me out of this salt circle.
Winnie I.... Can't
Winifred looks at y/n mad, I swear if I get out of here you shall be first!

I will bring thee back Winifred, y/n says stepping closer to the barrier, as long as I am behind this barrier you are powerless. Why would mother witch use salt? She uses dark magic too, think about it Winnie.... I will return with thy sisters, come book we will help Winifred.

Pest, Winifred shouts!

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