Chapter Eleven The Portal

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Oh sister is y/n ok? Mary says to Winifred, oh yes thy will be fine.... Dumpling? Winifred says.
Sarah looks concerned, is thou ok?
Y/n, looks up wow that hurt, what was that? Power Winifred says.
Power? Y/n repeats? Power?
You are now magical like us Sarah says.
Really? Y/n smiles..... all this was to give me power?
Yes they all say.
Y/n overwhelmed, I don't know what to say I mean thank thee for the shocking experience but why couldn't you tell me?
The book you picked up isn't actually dangerous, we planned this because that power spell needed fear to gain power. I am sorry I scared thee Winifred says holding out her arms.

Tis ok Winnie y/n says hugging Winifred tightly. Turning to Sarah and Mary with open arms come here and give me a hug y/n says. Sharing this embrace with the sanderson sisters feels nice knowing I belong. That I will be protected and loved they'll teach me what they know. Ancient magic is definitely more powerful than the 21st century magic knowledge I have been taught.

There's a cold howling wind, the sisters an I let go of each other. Should we leave now y/n says?
Tis cold Sarah says holding her arms and cuddling Mary.
Y/n steps closer to Winnie
Crack, a branch breaks in the distance, someone is coming should we hide? Y/n says.
Yes let's hide Mary says, Sarah and Mary hide behind a bush.
Winnie, y/n says where should we hide? You hide dumpling don't come out till I say.Y/n kisses Winifred and hides behind a huge oak tree.

Come out come out wherever you are. Winifred yells out loud! A woman in all red comes out from behind where Winifred is standing.

Ohh hello mother witch Winifred says.

Hello child, the woman in red says
Mother? Y/n thinks?

Sarah, Mary Winifred calls out. They step out from the bush they were hiding behind and start walking over to Winifred.
Sarah stands close to Winifred and Mary stands on the other side.

Tis been years since I saw thee mother witch says.
Who is thy friend? She says pointing over towards y/n
Y/n steps out from behind the tree and walks over to Winifred grabbing her hand.

I am y/n... yes I know says mother witch.
You aren't from this time are thee?
Y/n looks at Winifred, with worry
Sister what does she mean, Mary asks
You aren't from our time? Sarah asks?

I am from 2022, 329 years into the future, I was brought here because a potion I was brewing backfired and sucked me through a wormhole. I was sent here, once I realised where I was I had to act fast. I found some clothes from this time hanging on someone's clothes line and blended in. Because I look young I was able to pass for a teenager. I enrolled into Salem high school, told everyone I was orphaned. So for the last 10 years I've lived here. Trying to get back home, but I did not have power till now. Thanks to my coven.......

Hmmm I see mother witch says with disbelief.

Winnie did you know this? Sarah asks curiosity......
I did, y/n told me years ago because she knew at the time we were the ones taking children. She didn't blackmail us but asked for my help in exchange for helping us gain eternal youth without raising suspicion. It's taken 10 years but we figured it out, now thee will not die.

Bella got the blame for the missing children
But she did kill them y/n says
She did, but we have for years longer than she.
Wait was she part of your coven?
No, Winifred says
She killed her coven for thy power and lived alone telling the orphan story to everyone.

Gasps come out of Mary and Sarah's mouth, Winnie why did thou not tell us?
Sarah and Mary look disappointed with their sister.

Because sisters she would hang if anyone knew that she is from the future.

I knew I smelt something weird about thee, mother witches eyes turn purple. Omg y/n says backing away.

I smell love on you Winifred, thou is weakened by love for this.... This girl!
Hey I'm.....
shush Winifred says to y/n
Oh tis true love? Mother witch mocks Winifred

Y/n pov oh no she's going to provoke Winnie and she's going to be nasty because being called weak is something she hates.

Winifred glares at mother witch, love is many things but weak. I have more power now than I ever have. I was blinded by power once and I lost my sisters because of my selfishness. If not for y/n opening my eyes to new ways I would be dead. As would my sisters!

Y/n smiles, I was not expecting that. Have I really made that much of an impact?

Oh darling, mother witch laughs, glaring at me she shoots a bolt of lightning at me as it strikes my chest Winifred and I both go flying backwards because we were holding hands.

Letting go of each other's hands in mid air y/n falls hard on the ground. Winifred smacks into the bushes her sisters hid behind moments ago.
Y/n stands, blood running from their nose, blurry vision

Hearing mother witch laugh as she strikes again. But her lightning strike is deflected with a green lightning bolt. Y/n backs up and stands next to Sarah and Mary shaking from shock. That hurts a lot y/n says to the sisters.

Oh yes I know Sarah says, Winnie has zapped us too
Hmmmm Mary says..
Winifred shoots lightning at mother witch but is also met with a bolt of lightning the bolts meet in the middle causing a bright light to form.

Ahhh Mary, Sarah and I yelp out loud, holding each other. SISTERS GO NOW! Winifred screams out loud.

Sarah and Mary turn and run
Wait,..... y/n screams...
GO, Winifred says

Y/n runs towards Sarah and Mary. Girls wait I have an idea, if we form a circle and hit mother witch with lightning it may be powerful enough too distract her so we can help Winnie.
Will it work? Sarah asks?
Maybe, we need to try... FOR WINNIE y/n says out loud
The three of us creep behind mother witch only to see Winifred on the ground, wi... Mary covers Sarah's mouth. Shush
Stick to the plan, hold my hand let's do this.

Y/n holds Sarah and Mary's hands ok 1,2,3 shoot! Mary and Sarah raise their hands and a bright orange bolt of lightning strikes mother witch. She stumbles, but laughs
Haha... you are weak!
Winifred stands up and uses the last of her strength striking mother witch once again with lightning.
It's no use Winifred says in a rhaspy voice... help her Sarah says.
Try again, we join hands and strike, the power is strong enough for now.

Mother witch let's go of Winifred and a bubble of light appears in the middle of the woods. Where the lightning was striking.

It is the portal, Winifred says. Y/n you must go through it
What? No I can't now...
GO Winifred says wide eyed

No no stay mother witch laughs....
Mother witch walks towards y/n lightning charging through her fingers.

NO, Winifred screams and hurls a lightning bolt at y/n sending them through the portal as it closes.

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