20. The Moment of Truth (Part II)

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"You did this!" Will shouted. "Look what you've done! You've killed him!"

"It wasn't his fault," Merlin said.

"If he hadn't been strutting around, treating us like his own personal army, this would never have happened!"

"These men are brave enough to fight for what they believe in, even if you aren't!" Arthur retorted.

"You're sending them to their graves! You killed one man. How many more need to die before you realise this a battle that can't be won? When Kanen comes, you haven't got a chance. You're gonna be slaughtered."


Merlin and Colette followed Will into Will's house.

"Don't bother, Merlin, Colette," Will told them. "I'm not interested."

"You should be," Merlin argued. "Because tomorrow Kanen attacks, and whether you like it or not, we'll have to fight."

"Not if I'm not here."

Colette shrugged, letting out a sigh. "Well, that's up to you, but the rest of us are staying. Join us, Will! This isn't about Arthur, this is about your friends. Are you really going to abandon them?"

"What, like you and your brother did?"

Colette pursed her lips. "Merlin and I are here now."

"Yeah. Yeah, you two are. And you two could end this. If you two used your magic, then no one else would have to die."

"You know we can't," Merlin said.

"Can't or won't? I'm not the one abandoning these people, Merlin. You and Colette are."


Arthur sharpened his sword. Merlin sat down next to him, glancing to see his sister walk past with a sullen expression. Arthur turned, noticing the same expression.

Merlin said, "William's father was killed fighting for King Cenred, so he doesn't trust anyone of nobility."

"Do you think the villagers believed him?" Arthur asked.

"No. He's always been a troublemaker. They're used to ignoring him."

"And if he's right?"

"He isn't."

Hunith overheard them from inside her house.

"I'm treating these men like soldiers, and they're not. You've seen them fight. They... they haven't got a clue! You need to tell them all to leave the village before Kanen returns."

"No, we're going to stay. We're going to fight, and we're going to win."

"Merlin, it can't be done. The odds are too great."

"It can. We're going to make Kanen rue the day he ever came to this village. All you need to do is get the men ready for battle, and the rest will take care of itself."


"You've just got to believe in them. Because if you don't, they'll sense it, and the battle'll be lost before it's even begun."


Arthur addressed the villagers. "Tomorrow morning, the women and children should gather what belongings they can carry and go to the woods."

"We're not going anywhere!" Gwen and Anne argued.

"I know you want to help. The women can't stay here. It's too dangerous."

The Golden Ageحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن