#14: Just One Dream

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Flashback 20 years ago

Summer Island

Carey's House

In the house located on top of the hills, the family of three happily spends their time together. "Father! Sister was able to make a cake for your birthday", Kai clapped his hands. "I wasn't making it for you! I just wanted to eat one", Sena blushed. Claude wore his gloves, patted her head, and hugged her. "Thank you, my beloved daughter. You're my most lovely daughter", the man chuckled. "I'm your only daughter!!!", Sena shouted. "Oh my, you're right", Claude laughed again. The summer breeze entered the open window and made the three look outside at the island lights. Laura's family was a prominent one making them have such a beautiful spot. It was a humble home with a large field of flowers. 


The three stayed on the balcony eating the cake. "One day, Sena, when you grow up, you will no longer just make cakes for papa. You'll be wedded to someone you love just like how I did with your mother", Claude let the two sit on his lap. "Do you miss her?", Sena looked at the stars. "I do but I don't feel lonely because she left pieces of her with me", Claude closed her eyes. "Here's a gift from Kai as well", the white-haired sweet boy showed a pair of gloves. "You just got that from his cabinet", Sena noticed. "I gave it so it's a gift", Kai reasoned. "Yes, of course", Claude patted the lad's head. "Then, might Kai, what do you want to be when you grow up?", the cheerful father asked. "A marine!", Kai's answer erased the smile from Claude's face. It was something only Sena saw. 

Kai saw a torn vice-admiral uniform of Laura in the box Claude kept in the attic. "Weren't you afraid of them?", the man hummed. "I'm already big and I'm no longer scared. I heard from the children that they are the saviors", the boy raised his hands in the sky and tried to flex his small muscles. Sena punched the back of his head. "If you're going to be a marine, that means you're going to leave father", she reminded. "If you get married, you'll leave father as well", Kai cried. "I won't get married, ever!", the girl started having an argument with Kai. "Okay now~ My wish is that you two will get along always", Claude's words made the two stop bickering. 


Galleon Ship

"The marine ship is getting closer and closer boss". 

"Keep the sail steady. They will not shoot at us. You have me so you don't have to worry", Kai assured. "I saw you talking to your sister. Does she still want to stay with the marine?", a man, with a scar on his face puffed his cigar. "Sir Reo, how can you be so calm?", the men whined. "I am an untouchable. The world with a roar if someone hurts me", he said with a cocky attitude. "If she just asks for me to save her from the hands of those stinky old men, I can drag her out of her misery", Reo nodded in agreement with what he had said. 

"I've been looking for that person as well. It's been 10 years but there is still no news about that person", Kai looked at the burning island reminiscing about a time when he also watches his beloved homeland get burned. "What are you planning to do now?", Reo sat properly. "I'm going back to restore my homeland", he wore his cloak and started giving orders to his men. "That place has nothing but ashes. Come with me to the Holy Land, I can make you an honorary celestial dragon", the man extended his hand. "There are still memories with the ashes that are left", Kai smiled. "I'll plant as many flowers just like how it was once so that when my sister goes back home, all those years of suffering will all make sense, somehow", the younger brother closed his eyes imagining how it will turn out.

Flashback 18 years ago


"You are being summoned to the Marine Headquarters. Even if you deny it, we already heard testimonies of you having the same ability as your wife. How mysterious it is that her fruit appeared here as well. Could you have done something to harm her in order to get the ability yourself?", Akainu crossed his arms. "Vice-Admiral, I understand that my wife is a valuable member of the marine but I won't allow you to trample on our relationship. Laura died because of an illness and nothing else", Claude furrowed his brow. 

"Father! Are the marines here? Can I already sign up as a trainee?", Kai dashed in without paying attention to the soldiers lined up outside the Inn. "Kai, don't interrupt them", Sena followed after her brother. "You have two capable-looking children. If they are the children of Laura, they would also inherit her fighting skill", Akainu said interested in the aura emitted by the two. Claude held both of their hands. "Laura wanted them to live peacefully. Even if she did not lose her memory, I know that will be the same", the usually calm and collected man furrowed his brow. "So, if you don't want them to do it. We'll be waiting for you until this morning", Akainu stood and looked down at the man. 

Kai gave a salute as Akainu passes by. The young lad had always been a fan of the white and blue uniform. "What is so great about being a marine?", Sena sighed. "You'll get to be the keeper of justice young lady", Akainu paused for a while and gave a short glance at the carbon copy of the woman who was supposed to be the next admiral. "You were once working with Mom, right? What was she like when she was younger?", the girl gulped as she grips on her dress. "She is a woman who fits her work well", the man answered. Claude stood up hoping that the next words from Akainu will not scar her daughter. "And what does her work as her to do?", Sena pressed her lips together bracing herself from reality. "To uphold justice even if it means squeezing the life from her opponent, whether it is a child or an old man", Akainu patted the girl's head and left the inn.

The next Day,

Claude wore a uniform of a vice-admiral. "Stepping up in the rank that fast", Sengoku was the one who fetch the new marine officer. "Laura was like a daughter to me. Like the other soldiers I trained. she was also a casualty of war and an orphan with nowhere to go", the fleet admiral said looking at the two children with their swollen eyes. "No one can beat me. You both know how strong I am, I'll be back as soon as I will have a vacation", Claude made a pinky with the two. "How can you talk about vacation when you're just starting", Garp laughed. Sena glared at him and seemed to utter some curses. Claude raised the two from the ground and carried them in his arms, still wearing his gloves. "While I am not around, always be there for each other", the man gave a soft smile. 

"He said he will be coming back! Why are you carrying only his cape?!"

"If not because of him, we won't be able to escape the fleet of pirates". 

"There's nothing we can say that will explain why he is not here with us". 

"The only thing we can say is..."



"And she became the Grim Reaper, feared by many pirates and criminals", Trafalgar said while crossing his arms. He sat on the deck with all the heart pirates on alert. "I cannot move as you can see", Sena lay down on her back watching the flames on both sides as Sabo creates a path for the pirates to escape. She gave the man a look and saw an illusion of Ace created by the other ability user. Her eyes softened. 

"Sorry", she uttered under her breath. 

"Are you going on a trip with us? We're dropping you on the next island if you like", Trafalgar offered. "After we get out of this place, bounty hunters will be on the other side. With this condition, I will just be a liability", Sena raises a dagger hidden inside her top. "I'll save your ass so once this is all done, make sure you'll give me a physician's discount after examining my body", the lady raised the dagger on her neck. "What is she doing, Captain?!", Penguin and Shachi shouted. Bepo already covered his eyes. Trafalgar also had his eyes widened as Sena slit her own neck. 

Marine Ford

"Vice Admiral Sena was seen to be helping the pirates escape". 

Akainu leaned on his chair and closed his eyes. "She is indeed her daughter. Laura, you still keep getting out of my grasp", the Fleet Admiral gave a short sigh. "According to our guidelines, she is already considered as a traitor and you know very well what we do to traitors", Kizaru entered the room. "Are you going to pursue her?", the man in yellow yawned. "Do as justice says to", Akainu opened his eyes. 

Chapter end. 

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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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