#08: The Enemies Escapes

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Sena lies on her back looking at the blue sky. "Water", Franky offered. She just stared at it and ignored it. "You have to hydrate yourself", the other tonantas said worriedly making her take the bottle of water. "You're a strong young lady. You haven't even rested for a second", the other civilians praised and returned her scythe. "Strawhat pirates cause trouble here and there. You might have met different kinds of people. In any case, have you come across a person named-", her sentence was cut off when they saw a huge fire in the middle of the town. "That is the flame ability", Frank's attention was redirected. 

"Were you trying to say something?", he asked. Sena stood and dusted off her dress. "Wait. We'll call Princess Mansherry to tend to your wounds", the little ones tried to block her way. "There are other matters to deal with. I'll be fine", she walked away. 


Trafalgar was able to transport themselves before the marine steals the show. "Just when I think we already survived", the man clicked his tongue. "Trafalgar Water D. Law, the only survivor of the white disease that happened in Flevance, captain of the hearts pirate and one of the worst generation. You've been removed as a warlord recently", Sena drew her scythe. "That's quite a number of information you know about me. Are you interested in a pirate though you're a marine soldier?", the man closed his eyes. "I'll pretend that I did not hear that", Sena sighed. 

"Please stop", Rebecca gulped seeing that Luffy and Trafalgar exhausted themselves in the battle. They heard noises from below and knew it was the rest of the straw hat pirates. "These people who you are trying to hide from the marines are pirates, just like Doflamingo. You will be punished for covering for them", Sena looked at Rebecca.  "They are the ones who saved us. If you are one of the marine soldiers, we have been under the reign of Doflamingo who did nothing but exploit every single soul.  Where were the marines and what did they do? They made him into Warlords, a partner of the marine who is given the power to rule over lands", Viola cried.

"You are calling these filthy fools saviors?", the lady stepped on Trafalgar as she walks closer to Viola. "Ugh!", the man grunted. "For so many years, no one from the world government or even you, whom you called to be on the side of justice, came to save these poor souls", Viola cried her heart out. 

 Sena swung her scythe and cut the building separating them from the rest of the straw hat pirates. She stared down at Viola who was sitting on the ground with an intense glare. 

"Pirates steal from people, destroy their lands, and cause riots wherever they are. Because of these lawless bastards, people die and suffer", the lady's scythe is emitting a black fume. Zoro found them and slapped the weapon away from Sena. "If you go further, you'll have to face me, not to mention your rebellious weapon", the green head man glared at the scythe. 

Town's Circle

Fujitora and the marine soldiers bowed to apologize to King Riku. "He'll get a scolding from the Fleet Admiral", Sena commented watching from a distance. She took a telepathic snail from a soldier and used it to contact his ship. "Before we went to do the mission, Admiral Fujitora said something. He asked me to know how many people are in Dressrosa. I asked him why he's not wary of the number of enemies. He said, we should learn first the number of people we are to protect. I think, that's the reason why he is apologizing. For all those years, King Riku and the slaves of Don Quixote Family are also included to those who we should have protected", the soldier explained before giving a salute as he exits.

Vice Admiral!!! We're almost there! 

She can hear noises from the background. 

Vice Admiral, the former fleet Admiral is headed there as well with Vice Admiral Tsuru. 

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