#04: Breaking the Gear

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Marine Ship

Helmepo happily served Sena with pineapple juice that was prepared by the ship's cook.

"We lost contact with Commodore Smoker and Vice-Admiral Tashigi".

"What do you want me to do? Carry a full-grown man and a newly promoted vice-admiral back home?", Sena took the glass and drank using the straw.

"The Fleet Admiral sends you to be a reinforcement".

"I didn't come here in the new world to rescue incapable morons", Sena leaned on the chair and checked on their log pose.

" Vice-admiral suddenly disappeared so we cannot ask him to do the task. He also told me to remind you that...orders are orders.".

The final sentence made Sena end the call. "Are we going to Punk Hazard? It was a place where Dr. Vegapunk was abandoned because of an accident that happened years ago", Koby stood behind the lady. "There will be an island nearby. Stay there and get more supply. For our next stop, it will be an ocean of emptiness. I will be going there with a few ferrymen", she answered. "You should at least bring more and I will be coming along", the Captain tried to protest. "Suppose they've been shipwrecked, I will have to cleanse the way for their rescue. I'd rather keep this ship and carry it all throughout the new world. Once I give the signal, that's when you fetch me", the lady explained.

If you are able to find a soft spot...

"Can it be that you're taking care of this ship?", Koby's eyes were filled with hope that even a stern and strict woman like Sena can have soft spot for a ship. "I can't wait to taunt that Commodore and Vice-Admiral with their inadequacy to protect their ship. Pathetic officers. They should give their titles to those who are more qualified", the lady placed her arms behind her head and use them as pillows. Koby flinched trying to assess if he is worthy of such a title.

Coconut Island

"What a lively island", Koby watch the people dancing on the shore with shell accessories hanging around their waists. "Should we try that as well, Vice-admiral?", the marine soldiers pointed. "If you want to shake your hips, use that to thrust your weapon at the enemy", Sena said while walking down the board.

"She said shake your hips~", they all flushed. The Vice-admiral continued walking unfazed and pointed at Koby. "You will follow what Captain Koby will instruct in the meantime. I will need six of you to row the boat", Sena crossed her arms. "I would gladly do so!!!", all of them except Koby raised their hands. He sighed to see Helmepo competing as well.

I have the strongest arm, Vice Admiral.

My sense of direction is second to none, Master!!!

How could you call her Master?! My queen, I can bring you anywhere in this world.

Let's all settle it through a battle.

"Aren't you going to stop them?", Koby felt worried. "Men brawl", the lady took a stroll with Koby behind. She checked on the seashells displayed on the stalls. "They're gorgeous", the man commented. "Would you like one?", a young girl popped out from the counter. "I have no berries with me", Koby panicked. The lady dropped a couple of berries and threw one pink decorated shell to Koby. "Thanks", the captain was surprised by her action.

"They would think that Marines are cheap and would just stare at shells without having any money to buy them", Sena explained without being asked. Koby looked at the shell and hid his laughter. "Are you making fun of me?", the lady's eye twitched.

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