#10: Meeting You Again

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Flower Island

"Are you really going to do this alone?!", the marine soldiers cried as' they glue their eyes on Sena wearing shorts and a tank top layered by a red silk cardigan. "Stay covered until the reinforcement arrives. I believe some of them already arrived and are working under disguise", Sena wore sunglass making the men shower nosebleed. "Now we have a perfect disguise for the ship as well", Koby commented looking at their ship painted red. "Vice-Admiral Hina will be here in a while, you don't have to follow me right away. Stay away from the center stage", the lady instructed.    

"Are you going to row the boat all by yourself?", Helmepo raised his hand. The others pinned him down. "You're not going to accompany her alone. We'll have to fight again", the others suggested. "Reserve your strength for this mission. I have a bad feeling about this. I will be scouting to assess the situation. Do not report it to the higher-ups", the lady put her hair up and tied it in a high ponytail. They all nodded feeling thrilled to see the lady transform into an instant celebrity. 

Sena pushed the boat and Koby also helped since the rest are still on cloud nine. "Vice Admiral, you're not going to do whatever you did the last time. You may not answer even if I ask but being alone is more dangerous if you do it again", the lad said with a worried voice. "Do you lack that much faith in me, Koby?", the lady called the lad in his name making him let go of the boat. The lady went in and gave a slight wave of her hand. She was startled by her action and closed her palm into a fist. 

Sail safe, Sena. The ocean is filled with crazy and weird things. Make sure to find dry land. 

Fiesta Area

Pretty lady, care to have some drinks with us?

Phew~ I was expecting a bunch of stinky men but here I am seeing a flower.

I can offer my body to shield you from the sun. 

Sena continued walking ignoring men trying to block the way. She saw some candied apples on the side. The people are busy fixing their stalls for the upcoming fiesta. There is a tone of excitement and festivity in every corner. All kinds of races are also scattered around and it ticks her off that the civilians are preparing this much for pirates. "Care to have one?", a man grabbed her shoulder and massaged it showing a candied apple. The lady smelled a familiar drug right away. "Get your filthy hands off me", the lady was about to use her haki but someone grabbed the man's wrist. "If you want to keep your head, I'll advice you to choose another woman", a familiar voice made Sena click her tongue. "Are you picking a fight with me? You're with a handsome face. It's such a waste if I carve my name on your forehead", the man tried to push Trafalgar but he stood his ground. 

"Boss, that is the Surgeon of Death, one of the worst generation, and he also was a former warlord", one of the minions dragged their leader with them and apologized. Sena stared at Trafalgar from head to toe. He's wearing a yellow jacket and red spotted pants. "Are you collecting names? After you were accepted by the government to be a Warlord, you left and formed an alliance with the straw hat pirates", she crossed her arms and raised her chin. "Still, you're not at par with Doflamingo who has the same position as you once had. You're weak", she didn't choke on any of her statements nor showed any hesitation. 

Trafalgar showed a calm demeanor and chose not to argue further. "What are you doing here? Taking a stroll?", he noticed her wearing an entirely different set of clothing. "You're gaining too much attention. We'll talk somewhere and I'll beat you until you cannot escape. I'll be given a handsome reward once I surrender you to the Five Elders", Sena pointed on the cliff. "Are you ordering me around?", Trafalgar smirked and used his ability to transport them. 

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