Side Story Part 1: The Meeting

Start from the beginning

Darren: (I see... Well, not my problem right now. I'll deal with this later.)

Darren: Guys, cmon. We still have the mall or the night markets to get to.

Lucas: How do you-

I immediately shushed Lucas while Yuko was awkwardly laughing.

Darren: Lucas... you don't understand here. After a serious conversation like this. You have to take your mind off of things you know. Which is why this is the best solution to everything.

Lucas: I see... then shall we?

Yuko: Sure.

We walked out of the door while hopping on the bike that I bought just before today.

Yuko: New bike?

Darren: You know it. Wait, I need to do something real quick. Micheal!

I summoned Micheal while opening up a warp gate and snatched some food from the gate.

Darren: Why pay for it when you can just get it for free.

Yuko: True.

Lucas: Dammit. I want that ability as well! But I can only teleport, I don't have the ability to open up warp gates like you guys yet.

Darren: Just too weak, Mr Lucas Yuto.

Lucas: Screw you!

We drove towards the mall while Lucas and Yuko started to eat some fries before almost getting car sick because of my sudden acceleration on the bike.

Darren: Hold on tight.

I accelerated the bike as it swiftly took us towards the mall and I hopped off the bike and grabbed a burger from the bag while Lucas and Yuko just puked inside a nearby bin.

Darren: Ew, disgusting.

Yuko: Shut the fuck up! You didn't get affected since you were the one driving, but for us that were just sitting on the bike. We felt the wind attacks hitting our stomachs.

Lucas: Darren, please do not do that ever again or we will quite literally just abandon you when we see you next.

Darren: Ok, dude.

We walked inside the mall to see people walking amongst each other while I threw the bag into the bin with Yuko eating some fries and Lucas drinking all of our coke.

Darren: You do know that I didn't pay for that right?

Lucas: I do.

Darren: Then let's go.

On our way to karaoke, we encountered a group of three girls that was kissing each other and making some inappropriate comments.

Darren: I guess that they are in a relationship.

Yuko: Are you homophobic?

Darren: No, I am not homophobic in anyways possible dude.

Lucas: Good to hear.

One of the girls bumped into me, we both fell onto the floor.

Darren: Sorry...

???: Sorry for bumping into you mister.

???2: You better watch where you were going.

Lucas: Hey, my friend already said sorry-

???3: He should be more careful next time.

Yuko: Yeah, Darren-

Darren: What-

Yuko: The-

Lucas: Fuck?

In front of us were three people that almost looked identical to us except they are females.

???: What are you staring at?

Darren: Sorry miss, may we please know your name?

???: Fine, my name is Darena Satoru.

???: Fine, my name is Darena Satoru

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???2: The name is Yuki Pendragon.

???2: The name is Yuki Pendragon

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(Ignore the glasses)

???3: My name is Lucinia Yuto.

???3: My name is Lucinia Yuto

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(Ignore the butterfly)

Darena: Now that we have told you our names. I believe that you should tell us your names, after all. It is common manners.

Darren: (The exact same way in how I obtain information, I can now confirm that she is exactly like me.)

Darren: My name is Darren Satoru. Nice to meet you all. I am also supposedly the only one left in the Satoru bloodline except for my sister.

Yuko: My name is Yuko Pendragon, supposedly the last of the Pendragon bloodline. Nice to meet you all.

Lucas: The name is Lucas Yuto, I'm the friend of these two idiots right here.

Darren: fuck you Lucas.

The three just looked at us in shock as we returned back their stares.

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