Chapter 8: Fondness Blossoming.

Start from the beginning

"Actually I was gonna take the first one, just to start off slowly." Robin replied.

"No way!" Cyborg argued, stepping out of the observation room into the big open training room. "I called dibs first!"

"No I did!" Beastboy argued, making tk get out of his seat, before sitting back down groaning in pain.

"Yeah right, BB, you ain't fighting anyone in your current condition." Cyborg replied with a teasing smirk.
Peter simply watched their antics with a mix of amusement and anxiety as to who his opponent would be.

"Guys, cut it out!" Robin replied, stepping Between Cyborg and the observation room. "Look I would let you go first, but it's clear your way too... over eager."

"Heck yeah, I'm over eager!" Cyborg replied. "It's like getting new gym equipment! Why wouldn't I wanna try it out?"

"Peter's still new." Robin argued with a chuckle. "We can't go so hard on him the first time around."

Raven peeked over the top of the book she was reading from the other side of the glass with a look of disinterest across her violet eyes. "Just pick somebody already."

Peter couldn't help but to smile when he heard her voice, soothing as ever. He quickly snapped his gaze to the floor when she caught him staring, hoping her expression wasn't one of anger.

"What about you?" Robin replied with a teasing smirk. "You havent participted yet. Think you can handle a guy in tights?"

Peter's entire body tensed up at he suggestion and he internally prayed that Robin was joking. He had seen her powers during team training. Not only could she fly and use portals, but she had telekinesis, as well as many other powers that he didn't know about. He wasn't sure exactly how powerful she was, however, her cold and stern demeanor filled him with dread at the possibility of facing her. Batman told him not to get on her bad side, and fighting her, even if it was practice, seemed like he quickest way to her bad side.

"Ugh!" She replied with a roll of the eyes. "Do I have to?"

"Come on." Robin replied. "It'll be good practice for the new recruit. Help me out."

"I thought you said you were gonna go easy on me!" Peter stammered in a panic.

"Exactly." Robin replied with a shrug. "Raven's not too eager, so you know she'll barely try."

"Not that it'll matter." Cyborg snickered, before returning to the observation room.

Raven peered at Robin with a challenging glare, before finally she rolled her eyes and snapped her book shut. "Ugh! Fine!"

Peter tensed up again and took a few steps back as Raven walked out of the room and headed toward the circle in the middle of the room.

"Oh shit." Peter mumbled to himself under his breath.

"You good?" Robin asked with an amused smirk.

"Yeah." Peter lied with a quick nod.

"You'll be okay. " Robin chuckled, before returning to the observation room.

Raven stopped in the middle of the circle and looked back at him, her arms folded with an impatient huff.

"We doing this, or what?" She asked flatly.

Peter took a deep breath before nodding. "Yeah." He pulled his mask on and started walking to the space in front of her. "Okay, Peter... you got this- you got this- you got this." He whispered to himself before stopping in front of Raven.

He stared at her awkwardly, feeling a great tension between having to fight her and internally fawning over her incredible beauty. How the hell was he supposed to fight her?

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