Chapter 30

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I open the door to the house and I hear Kaela and Marcelo voice in the living room laughing at something on the TV so I walk in and they all look at me even and I sit down

"Hey how was your lunch with your brother baby?" Marcelo ask

"I didn't see my brother if I'm being honest" I say and take a deep breath

"Then who did you go see and you seem nervous?" Kaela ask

"He went to see me" we hear and all turn around to see Stone

"Oh look the scared ghost has finally appeared and showing his true self" Ty says

"Ty please" jack says

"No he's right I'm a coward and not a good person I left you all in an important time" he says

"Why did you go get him Jack? you think that would make it better you abandoned your family in a time of need I don't even want to see you right now Stone don't even think of coming into the room" Marcelo says angry and walks away upstairs

"He's hurt I'm going to go check on him but give him time I'll be back" jack says sighing

Stone pov

I look at the floor and take a deep breath and walk over and sit next to Kaela who hasn't moved nor spoken since she saw me and I sit next to her and look at her but glance at Ty who also hasn't moved

"You can talk Stone but I'm not leaving my sister" Ty says I'll even put on my head phones he says and puts it in

"Ty I'm fine go I'll call you if I need some help" she says and Ty gets up and looks at me

"Fix this you hurt them but they all love you deeply no matter how mad they seem" he says and walk away and I nod and turn to Kaela

"Kaela I féel like I hurt you the most I left when you found out about the babies and you have no idea why!" I say

"Why are you here?" she whispered

"I'm not going to lie and say Jack coming didn't help push me to come home but I have been either drinking or crying every night not being home or talking to either of you i meant when I would text and ask about the babies I do care please tell me the babies are okay I need to know Kaela I haven't heard anything in a month" I say

"You sure have a weird way of showing it by walking out for a month when you learn about the babies but they're fine healthy and growing" she says and shrugs her shoulders

"I know I was terrified Kaela I was sitting in that chair in the hospital while the doctor was talking about the babies and just seeing flashbacks of my childhood times I spent being my parents drug motivé, times I was starving in a closet while my brother was doing disgusting things my parents made him do, or worse things and I kept thinking how can I be father when I went through that."i explained

"What you went through
Stone was horrible and sick but I don't know how you could think you'd be that type of father you are an amazing man and could never do that too children I know that our men know that everyone who meets you would know that" she says

"I never thought about having kids in high school I had scare with Jennifer and I threw up everyday but she was getting an abortion no matter what I thought and after that I promised I would never put my self in the predicament of having children and then I was single for years and very careful for exactly that reason then I fell in love with the boys and I told them they understood but I knew they would want kids but we'd promised we'd make that decision carefully" I tell her

"I can't feel bad for you or should I be punished because of that decision you made Stone I know you must've realized everything would change when I came into the picture I'm a woman your sperm or theirs could get me pregnant which it did non of what you said with the boys was going to stay the same when we started having unprotected sex which you had no problem jumping straight towards that" she says

"You are right Kaela and I never meant to blame you i went at j'y actions the complète wrong way I was an idiot I was terrified you all are going to be amazing parents you have love, compassion, patience and I would even know how to look at these babies without feeling like I'm failing and my biggest mistake was not turning towards the people who will help me through it" I say

"You don't think we're all scared Stone you think that this parent thing isn't terrifying for all of us I'm the least emotional out of all of us and patient but I didn't leave neither did they only you ran from us we wouldn't of made you feel bad or judged you!" Marcelo says

"I didn't know how to communicate it all came at me but you are right but I'm here and I'm going to stay" I say with tears streaming down my face

"You want to stay?" you sure want us and that means the babies too Stone so understand that clearly they're not going to disappear or will we ship them off so if you stay it's because you want to in no way are you forced you can go!" Marcelo says angered

"Marcelo babe chill he's hurting and this attitudewill just make things worse" Jack whispers

"No it's okay he's right I deserve this treatment and worse and I want you all to know I want to be here you all have my heart I can't continue I love these babies already I may have been stupid but I'm here to fix that please want and allow me to be here for our family" I say

"We always wanted you here" Jack says and he hugs me and Kaela just looks at me with side eye I know she can't bring herself to forgive me that easy neither can Marcelo

I then head to the bathroom to wipe my face and get my tears under control and I hear them talking Marcelo first

"I'm still upset I love him but I can't sleep in the same bed with him not tonight" he says

"He made a mistake he didn't mean to hurt us Marcelo is shutting him out really the right thing to do now we know Stone and you've made a mistake before to when It was just us three" Jack says

"I was young and confused I had people taking in my head that's not same as what Stone did" Marcelo says

"Didn't speak to us for a month when you were figuring it out yes
It sound similar minus the babies and Kaela except you doubted the relationship and we got passed it and the first one in your corner was Stone" Jack says

I know thank for making me cry Jack but my heart hearts okay give me some damn time please Marcelo says

"I understand Marcelo it's been a month he hasn't been home I don't want him to hurt but I'm upset too especially being left like this but we are a family" Kaela says that one really guts me because I never wanted to hurt her I've loved her since high school she been previous her whole life I never wanted her to feel pain from me I can't keep hiding neither do I want to I open the door and round the corner and they all look and go silent

"Its okay you all sleep together I will sleep alone I'm not upset I understand" I say

And Marcelo start to turn for the stairs to walk taking Kaela in hand even though she's a little reluctant but then he stops and turns around and looks at me

"Stone I love you I want you to know that" he says and walks upstairs along with Kaela
And I head to the kitchen and jack joins

"Its late you should go to sleep I'm just having a drink of water" I say

"And I'll wait for you and we will sleep together I know Stone how much pain you're in I know you heard that and I'm staying with you I'm hurt but if I don't forgive it'll damage us more and hurt you and I will not do that now drink water and let's go to sleep" he says

And I drink my water and head up with him holding my hand and for the first time in years I lje down and cry into Jack arms I feel like I ruined our family

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