Chapter 27

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I'm waiting outside pacing back and forth waiting for them to tell me anything about Kaela please let her be okay and I hear foot steps behind me

"Babe what happened?" I hear Stone says

"Where is Kaela? Are you okay?" jack says

"I went to check on her at work I did all day she answered me perfectly normal 2 hours prior and then I went to check if she would have lunch with me and she didn't answer the phone but I thought it was because she didn't want to be disturbed but then I got to her door and knocked no answer and I used my key and she wasn't at her desk even though Elsa told me she was and I looked and found her passed out on the bathroom floor she was burning up and wouldnt wake up" I say

"I knew she was really sick!" Stone says

"Did they tell you she'd be fine? that she'd wake up? oh my I can't lose her we just found her! Jack says

"She woke up for a bit to tell me she's hot and she was burning that's it" I say

"So we just have to wait until when?" Stone says

"I'm not sure it's been over an hour" I say

We sit and wait well me and Stone do holding hands while Jack makes a whole through the floor with pacing and 30 minutes à nurse comes out

"Kaela Blanc family!" she calls out and we all reply yes and race up to her

"I'm her husband" I say and the boys nod

"Well she's stable and awake if you would like to go see her she's in room 222 the doctor will be in shortly" she says

"Yes they will be coming with me" I say and we run down the hall until we get to her room and she turns her head

"Kaela flower" Jack says and run to her bed while me and Stone hold her hand

"How did I end up here what happened?" She says in a whisper

"I found you on the bathroom floor passed out burning up" I say

"You had us terrfied love let us take care of you please that's what us your men are here for!" Stone says

"I didn't mean to worry you I was going to rest after today everything was fine when you called me and then an hour later I was hot sweating so I took of my jacket but it wasn't enough I had sweat coming down my body when I was just sitting so I decided to go to the bathroom to put water on my face and on the way there I got super dizzy so I held on to the sides and then I reached the sink but it got worse so I slipped to the floor so I could let the feeling pass but the floor was so cold and felt good I lied down and well woke up here" she says

"I'm never letting you go to work this sick again you have to take care of yourself before you worry about work you matter flower" Jack says

"I know I'm sorry I didn't want to make you guys worried I thought I had it under control" she says with tears running down her face

"Hey love don't cry you're okay that's what important were just going to make sure it doesn't happen again I love you" I tell her and kiss her lips

There's a knock on the door and we all turn around and lock and see the doctor and he tell him to come

"Hello i'm Doctor Sloan Kaela i will be examining you today and these guys must be family and you are okay with them in the room? so tell me how are you feeling?" he says and i look at him a middle aged man with long legs pretty handsome with his green hair and salt and pepper hair

"Hello yes they will be staying here you can speak in front of them and i'm feeling better i feel like my fever broke just always thirsty" i say

"yes it did you're very lucky not only did you have a high fever you were dehydrated and had no food on your system that is not taking care of yourself young lady" he says

"i've been stressed and not really in the mood to eat and everyone around me was sick so i caught the bug" i said

"something came up in scans Kaela so i wanted to take a better look okay nothing to worry about guys if you could move back" he ask Calmly

"are you sure everything is alright?" she asked and the boys just keep looking at each other back and forth their all nervous wondering what the hell is going on we keep thinking

"well if you look her Kaela in your uterus" he says pointing at the screen

"oh my are you telling me im pregnant" she says and everything freezes

"yes look here 1,2,3 all in a sack congratualtions you are having Triplets Kaela so now please eat and drink water often you are not just feeding yourself now i will send the nurse in for your prenatal vitamins, and do's and don'ts so if you need me just ring and I'll be back again congratulations" and he walks out and we all stay silent

"this can't be happening!" Stone says

"we're having a baby!" Marcelo says

"guys were having triplets" Jack says and walks over to Kaela and holds her in bed and kisses her forehead and she just hold him and cries

"its okay Kaela baby were gonna be parents don't cry you gave us a miracle the triplets are going to have the best mommy in whole wild world baby i promise" i say holding her hands and kiss her forhead

"i can't do this i cant be a dad im not built for this i have to go i can't Kaela i love you and you guys but i can't" Stone says and heads for the do

"Stone please i need you don't leave we should be together" Kaela says with tears and the boys look at him with sad faces

"i love you too more than anything but right now i can't breath" he says and runs out and Kaela breaks down crying

"flower he'll come back shh dont cry were her baby this family is here for you" Jack says

"how are we going to do this why is he leaving us" she says once shes stopped crying

"together that how and Stone us scared and in pain trust me you have us all of us" me and jack say holding her hand

after 2 hours Kaela feels a little better and shes resting watching tv and Jack just finished crying in my arms asking how we will get Stone back when we hear running down the hall ways and screams of "Where's My Baby tell me now" in a voice

"oh no" Kaela says and then someone yells Kaela room number and then we see her dad and brother Jeff

"Kaela baby girl it's true you're in the hospital what the hell is going on someone better start talking" he yells

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"Kaela baby girl it's true you're in the hospital what the hell is going on someone better start talking" he yells

"Daddy" I say to stunned to speak

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