Chapter 3

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I've been just standing in the corner all night just basically observing people but I can't stop my eyes to get glimpse of jack and Marcelo gosh they are both beautiful how can some men look so perfect I turn away when I've been caught Marcelo and he winks and hits Jack to look at me and smiles ughh I'm such a nerd never know how to make things Suttle when they both start walking over I get nervous

"So are you having fun" Kaela jack ask

"Um as much fun I can have while working" I tell him smiling

"These do tend to drag on and I give you props working for Kaitlin can't be easy" Marcelo says

"She has her good days but she's good at her job" I say

"You mean she's good at commanding others to do work sure" Marcelo says

I'm in shock that he said that about his own cousin so I just stay silent

"She should count the lucky stars she has you" Jack says

"Thank you" i say and in that exact moment Kaitlin walks over

"Kaela do I pay to mingle you should be making sure that everything is settled and that I have all my work" she says

"Well I wasn't supposed to be here tonight and you haven't told me about pay or what you would like me to do after I handed you the papers mam" I say

"Are you disrespecting me right now do you know who I am I could....." She starts but is cut off

"Katalina thats enough be on your way before you know what happens" Marcelo says

She goes silent and walks away
I'm in shock why would she answer to her cousin that way so meek and just silent am i missing something I mean, honestly I'm thankful but hope she doesn't take it out on me

"You didn't have to do that she is my boss" I say

"Just because someone is above you doesn't give them the right to talk to people with such disgust and Katalina is no one special of to think she above anyone to treat them like that she needed to realize" Marcelo says

"Well there's not much people in her place that think like you in the world" I say

"That is why the world is so ugly and change needs to happen" he says

"I didn't know her name is Katalina and you are right" I said

"We are Italian but my cousin likes to americanize everything including her name" Marcelo says

"Might I say Kaela the choice in dress you made tonight looks amazing on you" Jack says

"Thank you you look very handsome too Jack I say

"Aww that warms my heart to get a compliment from you flower" he says smiling and in that moment I remember Jack is gay I wonder if Marcelo is his partner I don't ask but maybe I'm right of course two beautiful people would be together

After a few hours of being here just really observing I think it's time for me to head home so I grab my bag and head out the door until I hear my name being called and I look back to see Jack headed towards me.

"Hey Kaela it was nice seeing you tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my place tomorrow to hang out" he ask

I think for a second if this would be a good idea he's very nice and funny so why not it's not like he wants to date me hes gay and has fine ass partner and he's perfect too

"Yeah sure I'm free" I say and he hands me his phone too put in my number

"it's better then chat so here's my number I'll see you tomorrow text me when you get home okay" he says smiling

"Yeah sure bye Jack" I say

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I go back inside to get Marcelo thank God he's ready

"Hey I was looking for you im ready where did you go?" He asked

"I saw Kaela sneak out to head home and I asked her if she wants to hang out tomorrow" I tell him  with a big smile

"And she agreed?" he asked

"Well of course I'm very charming and fun to be around babe" I say and wink

"Of course we'll let's get in, seems like Stone just got home" he says and we walk in and see Stone on the couch

"Hey love how was your day" i ask and kiss his lips

"Pretty good actually you just shoots her and there" he says

"That's good I bet you looked sexy" I say

"Haha thanks love you both look quite handsome" he says

"Well we had a pretty interesting night I saw her" Marcelo says

"You should've seen her tonight Stone she looked beautiful and I couldn't even control myself" I say

"Babe are you sure you want this because you don't need to do this for us we all have to want this" Stone says

"Love from what I saw tonight he was very eager tonight and wanted to around her more then me one of his own lover" Marcelo says

"I always want to be with you love but I do like being around her she excites me and she seems so sweet" I say

"Well if you're sure about this baby boy I will meet her but we all have to agree and be comfortable" Stone says

"Yay so we are all on for tomorrow I can't wait hopefully we don't scare her" I say

"Well if she is scared away from us  or judges us then she's not for us" Stone says

"Oh stop we are to be open and excited I promise this a real one you know I wouldn't if it wasn't for real" I say

"Okay love I'll be open minded now can we enjoy the night please" stone says

"I like where your mind runs babe" Marcello says

We laugh and enjoy the night together as we always have but maybe soon it won't be only us three

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