Chapter 4

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I'm getting ready to go to Jack's house and excited it's nice to have someone to hang out since I'm not good at making friends well friends never liked me except for my brother Jeff and wife Savannah and my other brother Ty but they à good drive away away from me so we talk on the phone but it's not as fun as having someone actually there to hang out with

Its finally 6:30pm and I get in my car and head over to Jack's when I get there I park and see jack waving outside for me I get out and he runs to give me a hug

"Hey Kaela im so happy you are here" he says

"Thanks for inviting me over way more fun then staying home doing my laundry" I say

"Oh I can only imagine how sexy you're outfits are" he says

"Nah mostly grandma clothing going on" I say laughing

"With that sexy body of yours absolutely not" he says

"Please that's not really how I'd define it everyday but sometimes yeah" I say

"No flower you are hot and sexy every single day now say it or we will be camping out in this hot weather" he says crossing his arms

I test him a little because I couldn't believe he was being serious but he was after us not budging for 5 minutes

"Okay I'm always sexy" I say

"There I love to hear the truth and that flower is the absolute truth" he says and He takes my hand we walk in

"I love your house Jack I know I always tell you but its amazing" I say

"Why thank you flower I know something that would make it even better" he says

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"Why thank you flower I know something that would make it even better" he says

"And what would that be?" I ask wondering what design he'd add to this masterpiece of a home

"If you lived here with me" he says and winks

"You wish or maybe I do because look at this home" I say to him

We walk in and Jack has all the food ready so I help get the table set and I grab two plates and set both of them down and their utensils

"Oh Kaela love could you please set 2 more plates" Jack says

"Uhh yeah no problem whose coming" I ask

"Umm I just got a call from Marcelo he finished work late and has nothing to eat and he's near and i have another good friend stopping by if that is okay with you" he says

"i mean its your house Jack and yeah no problem if they hes a friend of yours he must be good and Marcelo was very nice so of course" i say

we finish the dinner Jack prepared on the table and im hoping these two get here soon because im starving and lucky me because we hear the door open huh i guess their pretty close to jack since they have a key.

"Anyone around?" we here a voice say and from my memory it is marcel

"well hello eveyone im sorry for intruding the Dinner" marcelo says

"its no problem the more merrier right Jack" i  say

"absolutely isn't she great Marcelo" jack says smiling ear to ear

"she is a dream jack i see why you talk so much about her" Macelo says

"ahh im not that special but i do love the flattery  now tell me more about you guys" i say we start talking and pouring wine while waiting for the other guest to arrive

Stone Pov

i finally pull up to our home or as its supposed to be tonight Jacks house and i see everyone is here but me  im honestly not excited for this what if i don't like her or think shes good for us i wouldnt want the guys to be upset or make them feel like im not trying i do miss being with a woman but she has to be the one that will accept, love and want all 3 of us and i wont settle especially when im happy with them two and dont ever want to lose what we have.

i take a deep breath and walk in and i hear everyone laughing and i try to listen to her voice she has a beautiful laugh and i can tell the boys genuinely enjoy her company. what catches me by surpise is when she tell a joke and just by the sound of her voice i feel turned on especially when thinking of my men next to her i take a deep breath and think of other things so i dont walk in with a hard on and i walk slowly to the kitchen

"hello sorry im late traffic" i say entering and all eyes are on me i look at my men first and smile and then my eyes look to her when i hear her gasp

"oh my Stone Brown!" She screams

"no way  Kaela Blanc wow its been years" i say and then go give her a hug

"You two know each other? "Jack and Marcelo says

"yes we go way back i can't believe this is the Kaela you were talking about" i say

"how about we have dinner and you all explain this" Marcelo says and we walk to dinner table where i think this wont only be the shock of the night

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