Chapter 1 Return

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"Yes," Her mother nods. "Sirius received a letter from Harry telling him that not only was he attacked by dementor this afternoon, but he received a letter from the ministry threatening his expulsion and giving him the date to attend a hearing."

Y/N shakes her head in disbelief. "But he didn't do anything wrong. Harry defended himself and his cousin, who already knows about magic, but he's still facing expulsion? It's absolutely ridiculous."

Her father steps forward. "Of course it is, Hun. But this isn't any normal hearing or case. The ministry is coming after Harry because they want to make him seem like some liar so they can continue to deny his statement of Voldemort's return."

She bites the inside of her cheek. "This is bad. Like bad bad. If Harry gets expelled, then what's he to do? Go back to those horrid people in Little Whinging?"

"Of course not." Sierra assures. "I'm positive that with a simple conversation, we'd be able to get them to agree to him staying here."

"And then he'd be here, miserable. Harry calls Hogwarts his home. Knowing that his friends are all there while he's in this house that belonged to some prejudice family of as-"

"Language, Y/N."

She sighs. "My point is, Harry would never be happy if he had to leave Hogwarts."

Daniel takes a second to think. "Look, Y/N. The Advanced Guard hasn't even arrived back with Harry yet. For now, let's just take it one day at a time."

She sits there in silence. While that proclamation was meant to bring peace to her mind, she knows that not even her two parents, standing in front of her, have that. They're trying to act like they aren't worried for Harry as well, but it's evident on their faces and minds that it's a front. She can't help but think about it. About one of her best friends being expelled and having to go back to those awful people. 

Y/N could always sort of understand how Harry was feeling by his face. It's not just a her thing, many people find that with those that they spend a lot of time with. When someone gets to know a person really well, that includes their tells and their expressions. So she can almost see how Harry's face is going to look once he arrives. So somber and full of pain. And there's bound to be a fiery taste of frustrations and anger, ready to burst at any moment, but it's still hidden. 


She blinks out of her train of thought, bringing herself back to the moment. "Huh?"

Sierra points to something above her head. "Ummm, that.."

She looks up, sort of knowing what will be there and like she expected, a dull, grey cloud is forming and the sound of a storm is fading into the ears of all those near. "It's been a minute since that happened.."

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