Chapter 20~stalker

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Spending the last hours of my day, studying for finals.

In a quiet and quaint library sipping on a hot latte.

Take a few bites on a buttery croissant, that is warmed from the toaster oven.

My eyes hurt after looking at the same paragraphs, papers, and words.

Notes printed out and watching videos, to make topics make any sense. to

Rubbing my face to stay awake once more.

"Come on, Diana you can do this just one more video to watch," said Diana muttering to herself to be productive for one more second.

A cafe in the middle of the library called Cafe Monet.

Famous for making comforting drinks and tasty foods.

Rain descending from rather puffy, and stretched clouds.

Droplets of rain stained the sidewalks and streets.

Drivers drive at high speeds not caring.

About the regulated traffic lights and speed limit signs.

Mostly many are not in any hurry to get by.

Bookshelves were so high that they could touch the sky.

Employees rearrange books and add new ones for book lovers.

I decide to pack up my belongings and head home to get some needed rest.

Releasing my umbrella to protect myself from the rain.

Keeping my eyes and head forward to be aware of my surroundings.

Shoving my phone in my coat pocket from being a distraction.

Walking every sidewalk at a reasonable pace.

Noticing a white van following every move I make.

I take a few steps away from it, and the door opens wide and a hand grabs and pulls me in.

The door shut tightly, duck tape over my mouth, with hands tied behind my back.

Belongings left out in the rain-soaked to no return.

Trying to scream for help, met with every yell and punch thrown at me.

Raindrops cover my phone revealing the caller ID named KINGSLEY.

𝑫𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑛𝑦 Where stories live. Discover now