Chapter 11~out of bounds

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A Polaroid picture of me and Daniella in California posing in our swimsuits.

There's us laughing at a corny dad joke from my dad.

All this time, Were me and Daniella true friends?

Did she become friends with me because it benefited her for whatever motive?

Taking out an old lighter given to me by my great-aunt in Chicago a while back.

Putting the flicker on and off over  again.

A spark explodes like a firework on the Fourth of July.

Lighting it right under the picture.

Watching something so memorable turn into pure ash.

Discarding the picture worth remembering, but now throwing it away like it doesn't matter anymore.

Deciding to skip school today, and break the rules for  one day.

My footsteps made their way to the rough part of the neighborhood.

my parents warning me never to go on that side of town.

Though I don't blame them for wanting to keep me safe.

I think the people here are just as human as we are.

Stopping in front of a corner store listing items they sell.

The name of the store losing its position.

Swinging open the glass door with many bullet holes.

The handle barely hanging on the screws.

A bell chimes a beautiful symphony that makes music to your ears.

The store owner's eyes bleed red with tiredness or stress.

The cigarette hangs with the end slowly turning to ash.

Pulling off my hood to be less suspicious.

Searching through the aisles for some snacks.

In hoping to get some cigarettes.

Yes, I know cigarettes are so bad for you.

Well, I say it's an addiction that keeps its grip on you and can never shake off.

Grabbing a bag of white cheddar popcorn, slipping a fake ID in my pocket.

Holding my debit card between my fingers.

Heading up to the register, see the lights flicker in and out.

Giving off haunted house vibes.

The man rings up my snacks and waits for the total.

The receipt printed out from the machine.

"Excuse me, sir, can I have a pack of Marlboro lights?" said Diana looking straight ahead of the variety of cigarettes locked inside a glass door.

"May I please see your ID first just to make sure you're of age, Miss?" said the store owner reaching for the packet of requested cigarettes and chunking them in the bag.

I hand him the ID and his eyes squinted between my face.

The face on the ID checking it to be true.

"Your name is Miranda Lawrence?" said the store owner sounding a bit unsure and suspicious of Diana.

"Yes, sir, that's my name," said Diana tapping her foot and being a bit impatient wanting to get home.

"Alright, thanks for shopping, and please be safe out there in those streets," said the store owner looking with deep concern and probably parental authority.

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