Chapter 12~last dance

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Tonight is Junior prom.

I can barely keep my head above water right now.

Posters and advertisements were planted on every wall.

Students go on in a frenzy about this situation.

Boys ask girls if they are deemed favorable or worthy of this chance.

Announcements are made every day about getting tickets.

Asking about who is going with who as their date.

A sizzling sound as my mother passed the flattening iron through my hair.

Cracking a window getting the smoke smell out of the room.

Every time I take a breath the smoke invites itself.

And leaves a burning sensation inside my lungs.

My curls disappeared into a straight line.

With no signs of them going back to what it was.

Making some final decisions about my outfit.

Putting in diamond earrings, a tiny hole poked through my ear.

The smell in the room was of smoke from burning wood.

Sprays to keep the hairstyle in place.

Wearing my core set a white rose set in the middle.

Silver dots on every side, and a dark blue band wrapped around.

Tiny diamonds around the band shine under the fluorescent lights.

"My goodness, you look just like me when I went to prom in high school," said Mom reminiscing and wiping a few tears from her eyes.

"Aww, thanks mom is that a good thing or a bad thing," said Diana second-guessing how the dress fits her body.

"Baby, that's a good thing after all you got the good genes from me," said Mom showing her daughter a picture of her age in a similar fashion.

"Do you want me to drive you to school or wanna wait for your day?" said Mom changing into some clean house clothes.

"No thanks mom, I'll take a walk to school just need to clear my head," said Diana grabbing a pocketbook from a hook above the door.

"Alright, be safe don't do anything crazy, or else you'll be in big trouble, missy," said Mom in a warning tone hoping her daughter won't do anything wild tonight.

"I promise, I won't do anything irresponsible and I will act like a responsible woman," said Diana squeezing her mother's hands and trying to relieve any worry or concern.

Tugging my fur coat over my body to keep warm.

The piercing and sharp winds of the Autumn season.

Walking through my quiet neighborhood and stillness around itself.

No loud music, block parties, or any decorations for the holidays at all.

The entrance of the gym doors with a glittery banner and balloons in a variety of colors.

In awe of the work done in the gym, for a special event for the juniors.

Though I never wanted to be here.

Students near the snack bar, mix juice and whatever alcohol to feel alive.

Or take pictures in a Photo Booth.


The camera flashes so brightly that it causes me to hide my face.

As if I have something ugly, not worth taking a picture of.

I pushed it to the back of my mind, or just pretended wasn't there.

Stepping out of the room, it was too crowded with so many people.

Walking towards the end of the school building, but someone's shadow followed close behind me.

A group of guys slammed my body against the hard brick wall.

Hands grabbing at my dress, almost undressing my body like a naked rose.

I punched the guy towering over my body.

Hoping to escape the terrifying situation.

He punches me hard blood pouring out my nose.

Pounding my head into the wall.

Losing my balance, my body is caught by a stranger.

I don't wanna remember what happened tonight.

And I don't wish this on my worst enemy.

A/N do you guys think that Diana should've stayed at prom or invited a friend with her as company?

Don't forget and comment, I don't mind any suggestions as long as they are respectful.

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