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Lauryn Hill - I Gotta Find Peace Of Mind

Allure sipped on her iced lemon water as she waddled through Target alongside her husband, with Avi's arrival day rapidly approaching Allure wanted to make sure her hospital bag was packed with all the essentials she needed just incase Avi was like her daddy and arrived earlier than needed to everything. Once Allure got everything she needed for her bag, she stopped at the baby section—it wasn't a complete target trip unless she made a stop at the baby section.

"We should do this." Kyren voiced as he grabbed the light blue box, inside was a full belly casting kit. "We should." Allure smiled as she watched him place it in the semi full shopping cart.

"Should we leave it blank or paint it?" Allure questioned, after walking for a few seconds they made it to her favorite part of the baby section—the clothes. She was obsessed with the cute little clothing. "I was thinking we decorate it and frame it." Kyren explained, Allure nodded her head in agreement.

"This is too cute." Allure spoke as she grabbed a denim skirt, everyone around her consistently told her not to buy too much newborn clothes, so she took heed of that and sized up on clothes. "It's short." Kyren raised his eyebrow.

Allure chuckled, "She's a baby Kyren—her legs are short."

"She needa wear this." Kyren replied as he grabbed a onesie set, the pink onesie had the words "My daddy is the best." In white.

"Face ass." Allure laughed as she waved him off, Kyren laughed as well as he put the onesie back on the clothing rack. Allure frequented the store often, so she'd pretty much seen everything a few times already. She figured this would be her last time stopping by the Baby section before she gave birth. Next week she would officially be 8 months pregnant. Shit was getting real now that she was on maternity leave, throughout the day Allure would stop and realize she'd be giving birth soon and it was crazy to her. She was ready to meet her baby girl though, so all the pain would be worth it.

After getting what they needed the couple left the store, target was their only stop of the day so the next stop was home. "Let's do the belly cast." Kyren enthusiastically suggested.

"Alright." Allure chuckled, she removed her outside clothes and changed into a pair of sweatpants. Since she'd be getting her labor braids soon, she was wearing her natural hair in its natural curly state. Today's style was a claw clip half up half down. "You think I should keep my bra on?" Allure questioned as she unzipped her Kenzo jacket that she stole from her husband, Kyren shook his head no with a smirk stretched across his face.

"Nasty." Allure briefly chuckled, she sat the jacket on the couch before unclipping her bra and unveiling her breasts. She sat in the bar stool as she watched Kyren read the directions. Well, he quickly skimmed through them, so she hoped he knew what he was doing.

"Are you gonna buy me a boob job once your daughter sucks the life outta my titties?" Allure questioned, she stood up so Kyren could rub the lubricant on her belly. "Naw, I'll make something happen after our last kid though." He replied.

"And what number is that?" Allure questioned, she looked up at him waiting to hear his answer. These days he ditched the braids and wore his hair free, Allure wondered if it had anything to do with her telling him it was her favorite hairstyle on him. "5–I'm hoping we can have a set of twins to knock it out faster." He replied.

Allure eyed him and prayed he wasn't doing all this future planning while creeping out on her, something in her wanted to bring it up but she still didn't know exactly what to say—and she didn't want to ruin this moment. They had the camcorder going and everything. "Make sure you ain't gotta pee before we start." Kyren instructed. Pregnancy bladder and her love for water had her pissing like crazy.

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