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Heatwave - Always and Forever

These days Allure was doing a lot of sleeping, she'd come home from work and immediately take a cat nap.  Since Kyren came home later than her, he'd usually wake Allure up to dinner that he picked up on the way home. Oddly, today Allure ended her nap by herself. She woke up and grabbed one of the cravings she was having, chocolate chip cookies without the chocolate chips and a small cup of oat milk, to dunk the cookies in. While she ate her snack, she wondered where Kyren was.

The thought vanished once she heard the doorknob jiggling, Shortly Kyren came through the door holding a few Target bags in his hand. Allure got up and went to show her husband some love, by pulling him into a warm embrace and planting a kiss on his lips.

"You fed you and chunk yet?" Kyren asked, calling the baby by the newfound nickname he'd given them. He came up with the nickname because the baby had Allure eating all kinds of crazy shit, Doris even predicted that the baby would come out chunky.

"Not actual dinner." Allure replied as she downed the last bit of oat milk, she sat on the couch as she watched Kyren walk toward her with the target bags in his hands. "I got a few things." He announced with a smile on his face, Allure couldn't help but to smile as well.

"I got you some new prenatals, I did some research on the ones you got now and it say these better for you and chunk." He explained before sitting the bottle of pills on the abstract coffee table, "I got you a lil case so you can take em with you if you forget while you at home." He added, Allure smiled. Happy to be in a better space with her husband. Despite missing the first appointment, Kyren was super hands on with the pregnancy as they awaited the second appointment.

"Then I got these bottles cause they fire as fuck." Kyren announced as he showcased the double pack of stainless steel bottles, "This is nice." Allure replied as she grabbed them. It was a sleek look, unlike plastic bottles.

"Thank you from me and chunk." Allure chuckled as she reached over to kiss Kyren's cheek, "It's nothing." Kyren assured as he went to place the plastic bags in their designated plastic bag drawer.

"What you wanna eat?" Kyren asked as he removed his scrub jacket, that was music to her ears. The baby never allowed her to turn down anything food related.

"I really want pizza and a Caesar salad—oh and the little cold pasta." Allure announced, Kyren nodded his head before chuckling "The most normal craving you've had so far." He spoke, causing Allure to chuckle as well.

Allure got up and went to push her feet into her Hermes sandals, she removed her silk bonnet and brushed through her install before she deemed herself as ready. They made small talk as they hopped on the elevator and walked through the lobby, everybody was coming home from work so it was pretty packed. Kyren opened Allure's door for her and watched her get in before migrating to the other side and hopping in.

"Seatbelt." Allure announced, as she fastened hers. "I know mama." Kyren chuckled, he push started the car which made Allure's eyes go to the dashboard. A smile crept upon her face once she noticed Kyren had his copy of the ultrasound on the dashboard.

"That's so cute." She said motioning toward the dashboard, Kyren smiled, "Yeah, I remember my pops used to do it—he would cut out the sample of the school pictures cause he ain't wanna buy the whole thing and put 'em on his dash." He explained.

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