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Jodeci - Forever My Lady

Allure signed her name on the spreadsheet before she adjusted her Gucci Marmot bag on her body. The lady at the front desk handed Allure back her ID before she got up from the office chair, "I'll be right back, I'm going to get her." She announced.

Allure nodded her head, "Thank you." She slipped her ID back in her cardholder and slightly tapped her nails against the counter as she waited for the front office lady to come back with Kamille. As the fun auntie/God mom—Allure decided to pick her up early since it was Friday.

Shortly, the lady came back with Kamille by her side. She went to private school that had uniform, but on Fridays the school let them wear jeans. She wore her regular uniform shirt with a pair of black jeans, on her feet were a pair of Jordan 5s covering a pair of frilly socks. Kamille looked super cute with her curly hair styled half up half down with a large bow on the ponytail.

"Gotti!" Millie exclaimed as he ran to pull her God mother into a hug, since she was so small she could only reach Allure's legs but Allure still felt the love. She picked her up and kissed her cheek. She put her down and retrieved her backpack from her and held it for her as they walked out the school's doors.

"Where you wanna go mama?" Allure asked as she held her hand as they walked to the car, she sat the backpack on the floor of the car before strapping Millie in the car seat. "I don't know." Millie shrugged.

"Where Kyky?" She questioned, calling Kyren by the nickname she'd given him. Allure chuckled before answering, "He at work."

She made sure Millie was securely strapped in before shutting the door, and heading to the drivers seat. She fastened her seatbelt before immediately turning on the air.

"Gotti got something to tell you." Allure spoke as she looked in her rear view mirror, Kamille took her attention away from the window and put it on her God mommy, "What?" She questioned.

"I have a baby in my stomach." Allure announced, Kamille furrowed her eyebrows together, "How it get in there?"

Allure silently chuckled to herself, she often forgot how smart Millie was. She always had a question and Allure loved that, she was like that as a child as well. And instead of shooting her down, like her family members did—Allure always answered Kamille's questions.

"Well." Allure started but stopped from chucking, thankful for the practice before her baby grew up and asked her this question one day. "God chose me specifically—and he gave the baby to me, I just have to bake it myself." She added.

"Is it a boy or girl?" Kamille asked.

"I'm not sure yet—what you want Gotti to have?" Allure spoke, slightly looking in the rear view.

"A boy." Kamille answered with a slight shrug, Allure chuckled at how her answer changed from the time Kyren asked her to now. Allure grabbed her phone and went to her contacts before pressing Mel's contact name, a few rings in Mel answered the call, "Hey." She greeted.

"I picked Millie up early, I was trynna see if you wanted to eat something with us." Allure replied.

"Of course, I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." Mel spoke, which was sorta true. Mel was on the road with Red a lot these days, they'd text and send each other things on instagram occasionally though.

"I know—you wanna eat crabs?" Allure questioned.

"Ouuu." Mel sang, "That sound good, you wanna go to red claw?" She added, Allure nodded her head as if her cousin could see her. "Yeah, that's fine."

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