I gasp as confusion and fear consume my body.

But it all fades away in a matter of seconds. I make out dark green eyes around black rimmed glasses and sandy blonde hair. Beau stands there looking down at me as he presses himself against me.

My back against the door so no one could come in.

He grins down at me "Hi." He whispers as he moves a few strands of hair from my face.

I give him a smile of my own. "Hi." I say back.

"Sorry for scaring you. I just needed to have a few minutes alone with you."

My breathing stutters, the feelings of heat fill me. I look at his lips, want flashing across both our faces.

"Its okay." My voice coming out breathlessly.

He then leans down to kiss me. I stand on my tiptoes to meet him half way as he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer.

Our tongues clashing together in a fight once again. I finally cave, giving him what he wants.

I feel him grin at that, as he deepens the kiss.

Show off.

Tingles lighting my insides, a delicious feeling alerting my already soaking core.

Leaving me a wanting whimpering mess.

I moan as he lifts me up, my legs wrapped tightly around his waist. My body forcefully hitting the entrance door.

He groans as I bite on his lip, tugging at it in a teasing way, before letting it pop back in place.

My body needing to feel him. I grind against him to feel the hardness of his dick.

My hands immediately seek for warmth as I pull up his shirt.

I pull away to look at his chest. Beau was no where near as big as Heath. Yet he still was all lean muscle with tan skin. Definitely still in shape, his abs all hard and solid skin.

My hands having a mind of their own reaching to rub up and down him. I saw the hunger in his eyes as he watched me.

I loved having his eyes on me. My body responding as my stomach came alive with a flutter in the center of it.

My hands touching him as my mind took mental pictures, storing it in Stevie's spank bank.

What? A girl needs material too.

I follow the little tuff of hair that fell below his belly button before disappearing inside his pants.

I had the urge to run my tongue down it to seek for what I knew would be waiting hard and eager.

My fingers dancing around the waistband as my hips circled around his hard cock.

I watched as his eyes almost rolled to the back of his head as he groans.

"Fuck, Stevie you gotta stop." He begs.

I smirk while continuing to move my hips is small circles as I like having this reaction from him.

"Why?" I whisper.

"Because if you don't, I am going to want to do more." His breathing ragged.

His throat straining from swallowing. His veins popping that made me want to run the base of my tongue along it.

"And that's a bad thing because?"

He bites his lip as I kiss along his jawline, the tip of my tongue following the vein that leads to his quicken pulse.

I could feel his body shutter as goosbumps rose from my pecking on his salty skin. He smelled of fresh rain and spring.

The aroma so tantalizing to me that i wanted it cover every inch of my body.

The feeling of his fingers digging into my ass as he grips me tighter to his hard shaft, making my pussy pulse with need.

"Because I don't want to fuck you in a bathroom." He voices with annoyance.

The mention of where we were stopped my lust filled daze. I let out a frustrated groan as I stop teasing him as I take in what he says. I look around to see he was right. We were in a bathroom.

Yeah really don't won't to fuck in a man's bathroom. But God I could kiss him all day and not care where we were.

He had this way that made me forget, and I was addicted to it like a junky.

I finally let out a huff as I tap him to set me down.

He does gently his hands lingering on my hips as we share a small kiss. I disentangle myself from him and step towards the mirror.

Taking in my reflection. My hair falling from my ponytail, face flushed red, and lips swollen like a hive of bees stung me.

Seriously who needs botox when you could kiss a hot guy to get desirable plump lips.

I quietly fix myself up, while noticing him in the mirror I stop to admire him as he rearranges himself. I watch as he pulls his dick up into his waist band as I get a peek of tan skin.

It makes my mouth water as I think about getting on my knees for him.

I never done it. Never had the desire until now.

Not now Stevie. But God did I want too soon.

He watches me watch him before giving me a sly grin.

"Whats so funny?" I ask curiously.

"I like watching you want me." He bites his lip in a tempting grin.

A pulsing between my legs make me ache, as he looks at me with desire and something else, but I could not make out what.

Yeah it's time to go before I jump him right now.

I hold at my hand for him to take as we open the door to make our way to lunch.

We run into someone trying to come in. The guy giving us a weird look.

He shakes his head as we walk around him before entering the bathroom.

We laughing together while Beau wraps his arm around my waist.

Tingles still spreading through my body at the contact of him close. My stomach a puddle of giddiness and need.

AN- Honestly I love Beau. He is just so HOT! Lol anyways, another update for you my darlings.

If you liked this chapter don't forget to press that little star.

I update every Friday and Sunday. :)

Until next week!

<3 Victoria

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