69 (Letters)

273 18 1

Dearest Jisung,

You're reading this now, I am probably very far away from you then. The distance might feel to be immense but Sungie, your hyung is always there by your side. Whether I be there for you as a spirit or a corpse, let me stay with you till the end of my time.

Because Jisung, I regret not being by your side while living. I regret not putting enough trust on the man I fell in love with, the one that loves me unconditionally and faithfully.

At times I felt I am not worthy of your affection because from time to time I've caused you pain, been disloyal to you and pushed you aside when you needed me the most. I am sorry, Jisung.

I won't be able to finish writing if I started listing all the things I'm sorry for to you. But I'd like you to know that since the day our eyes first met till the last eye contact we make on top of the rooftop, my heart had always belonged to you only.

You were the reason for my breaths, you were the winter to my burning soul. I wish I could see you again, Jisung, hold you in my arms and run away from all of our problems. The world wouldn't matter then and we could build our little world consisting of only you and me.

If it's possible, I'd love to meet you again in afterlife.

Till that day, please live to the fullest. Live on behalf of me, my love. Go around the world and witness everything I couldn't experience. Seeing you live your life to the fullest would make me smile my brightest. You would do that for me, right?

Stay as far away as possible from your father and take Mrs Han with you. Neither you nor auntie deserve anything that that sick man has in plan for you two. And if it's possible, can you check up on my mom and dad too? I am not very sure how they'll treat you but I still can't help asking you for this favour.

Losing a child must be hard. I wish they didn't have an ungrateful and selfish child as me. But it can't be helped and I can only hope that you will be able to be an ideal son figure to them. I'd be very happy if they were accepting of you.

I think I've forced enough things already on your life without your consent. I'm sorry, Jisung. I do not wish for you to forgive me. What you will do from now on is upto you. Just make sure to decorate your life beautifully as the way you desire.

Thank you, Han Jisung. Thank you for existing and deeming me worthy of your love.

I never got enough chance to tell you, it'll never be enough, I wish I told you more that

I love you, Jisung.

I love you.

My Jisung, I love you.

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