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2 years later

Flowers were the most beautiful creation of God, Jisung was so sure of his hypothesis when his eyes roamed around the garden outside his house, a flowery place he had brought up for a while.

He never thought he'd get into gardening but after seeing his mother carry out her hobby to keep herself busy from the shock of finding the truth, he decided to join in too.

Now the small house of him and his mother had a beautiful flower garden.

Jisung picked out some white flowers, different species but all in white, to decorate a small bouquet.

It was for someone more special than the garden itself.

"He's gonna love the smell of jasmine." He smiled to himself and mumbled.

"Are you picking flowers for Minho?" Mrs Han came out to the lawn to see her son crouching in front of the plants.

"Mmh. I'll go visit him today." Jisung stood up and showed the bouquet he had made to his mom. "Do you think he'll like it?"

Mrs Han smiled and caressed her son's cheeks. "Of course he will. I'm sure he waits eagerly for you and your flower bouquets."

The younger nodded before biding farewell to his mom and heading towards the hospital.

It was hard to believe that it had been two years already since Minho entered coma. Times came when doctors thought he wouldn't make it this time but somehow his condition would be better again.

Maybe more years would pass by but Minho would never wake up.

That's what they all said.

However, Jisung never lost faith. He was positive that someday the older would wake up, he'd smile and talk, walk with him and live again.

Until that day, Jisung was willing to wait, even if it took a lifetime.

He lost focus from his thoughts as his phone started ringing. Connecting the device to the car speakers, he received the call. "Hello, Seungmin?"

"Hey, Sung. How are you doing?"

"I'm good. I'm actually on my way to the hospital right now to visit Minho hyung."

"Ah I see. How is his condition? Any development?"

"No.." Jisung shook his head with a sigh although the other couldn't see. 

"Don't worry, everything will be okay again. I respect your dedication though. Nearly everyone has lost hope for Minho hyung."

"I will wait for him till my last breath, Seungmin. Everything I have today is thanks to him. I've given up on him a couple of times in the past but this time I won't. He has to wake up."

A sigh could be heard from the other side of the call. "We all hope so, Jisung."

"Anyways, how are you and Hyunjin doing? You guys recently moved to your new house right?"

"Mmh trust me bro moving houses is such a hassle!" 

Jisung laughed at his friend's exaggeration. "But it's worth it."

"Haha definitely. I never imagined Hyunjin and I could ever be together again but now look at us, we bought our own house and are already moving in. When Minho hyung wakes up, I'll have to thank him for gifting me such life."

Jisung hummed in response. 

"Oh yeah I almost forgot! Next week we'll be throwing a housewarming party. You must come, okay? I'll tell you about the time and stuff later. It's gonna be a small party with our friends only."

"Sure. I can't miss out on that." Maybe this party will help him cheer up a bit. "I gotta go now, Seungmin, I've reached the hospital."

"Okay, see you soon then. Bye!"


Needless to say, Jisung had actually become close friends with Seungmin in the past two years. He still remembered that day when Seungmin came to visit Minho for the first time in the hospital, about two weeks after the accident. 

The guy was wary, hatred for the older still fresh in his heart, but still couldn't be ruthless enough to not pay a visit. 

Seungmin was accompanied by Hyunjin who had been with him like a shadow since the breakup. Jisung made sure the two didn't feel awkward being in the same room as Jisung and Minho.

He handed Seungmin the letter the older had left for him which the other read right there, sitting beside the limp body of Minho. 

Jisung remembered the way Seungmin started crying in the middle of it. It took him a while to finish reading the whole letter and afterwards he left the place without saying another word, Hyunjin following right after him.

Jisung wondered what was written in it to iniate such a response but didn't think further about it. He trusted that whatever message Minho had for them was definitely for their betterment. 

After that day, Seungmin frequently visited the older, sometimes with their other friends and sometimes alone. All those visits meant visiting Jisung as well, resulting in the two sharing their thoughts with each other and becoming friends eventually.

"What Minho hyung did to me was wrong, but he realises his mistake and his apology felt sincere to me. I've forgiven him long ago." Seungmin had once told Jisung which brought a huge smile on his face on behalf of the unconscious older.

He knew Minho would've loved to hear those words.

Thinking about the past days, Jisung entered the hospital room he had been visiting everyday for the past two years. Upon entering he saw a women in her 40s patting the patient's head.

"Oh auntie, you're here!" Jisung bowed respectfully to the older in the room.

"Oh my Jisung, how are you?" Mrs Lee asked with a smile.

"I'm doing good. I brought some flowers for Minho hyung." He held up the bouquet in his hand for the woman to see before going to place it on the shelf beside Minho's bed.

Minho's mother would come to visit her son often, sometimes accompanied by his father too. Jisung had been making sure to comfort her every time she got emotional.

He knew from the letter given by Minho that the woman had no idea about the things going on so he tried his best to support her when she found out about the whole situation. 

One time she was even eager to divorce Lee Jihoon but Jisung was the one to stop her and help them regain their healthy married life. He had become a son to the Lees at that point.

"You know, Jisung.." Mrs Lee started, seeing the younger arrange the flowers. "Once Minho wakes up, I'm going to make you my son-in-law. What do you say?"

Jisung almost chocked on his saliva as he looked around with widened eyes and flushed cheeks. "W-What are you saying auntie.."

Mrs Lee laughed at the reaction. "You two love each other. Minho had sacrificed a lot at such a young age and as a mother I failed to provide him the happiness he deserves. It's time I started doing things right."

The younger didn't know how to respond to that. He was about to laugh it off when his eyes suddenly caught movement from the side.

Rushing towards the lying Minho, he noticed how the older's fingers were slightly moving. "OMG.."

Jisung rushed outside to look for the head doctor working on Minho's case, leaving behind a confused woman in the room. 

After a while, he came back with another doctor and nurses who immediately started checking on Minho.

"Aunty, you should step outside for a while. Minho hyung is showing response to us. We might be able to bring him back." Jisung quickly explained the situation to Mrs Lee before hurrying back inside the room.

Mrs Lee gasped at the realisation.    

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