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"Omg dude, why did you drink so much!?" Chan groaned while balancing the other male he was holding.

"H-Hate mwee"

Minho's voice came out slurred, his body putting close to little effort in keeping a standing posture. Chan had been holding him by his shoulder.

Currently the older's only goal was to get the drunk male to his car that was parked just outside the bar the other had been drinking in.

Once they reached Chan's car, he carefully placed the half asleep Minho on the passenger seat, before putting on the seatbelt.

"What do you mean huh?" He was now also buckled up in the driver seat, ready to head off.

Before starting the engine, Chan glanced towards the younger male and let out a big sigh.

"What happened to you, Min? You feel so foreign lately." The words came out as mere whispers, almost as if he was asking himself.

Asking what exactly he had been missing out from his best friend's life.

Sighing again, Chan started driving towards his house. It wasn't a common sight to see.

He had known Minho for years yet there were really only a few times that he saw the younger go drunk out of his mind. There were times when Minho was left with a drunk Chan but barely the other way around.

And suddenly encountering a side of Minho that he hadn't seen in years, Chan was understandably perplexed.

After reaching Chan's two storied house, the older carefully carried the other to one of his guest rooms, tucking him in comfortably.

"Sleep well, buddy." He slowly patted Minho's head before leaving the guy to sleep peacefully.

He yawned, having good intentions of giving a break to his sleep deprived self and just sleep.

But of course that got interrupted.

A single bell echoed throughout the silent house, signalling someone awaiting outside Chan's front door.

Chan frowned after glancing towards the wall clock in the living room. "3:45" it showed.

Who'd be here this late except for Minho?

It was a common trait for him and his best friend to visit each other at the oddest times, but the younger was there already, peacefully sleeping in his guest room.

Chan moved quickly, noticing how the bell never rang twice. Something in his guts alluring him in knowing who it could be.

As he peeped through the peep hole, a blurred view of a guy in slight curly hair was shown.

A sight that made Chan's breath hitch.

However, the older moved at the speed of light as soon as he saw the guy standing outside about to walk away from his doors.

"Innie, wait-"

Jeongin looked behind with startled eyes to see Chan grabbing his wrist, the door now wide open.

"Oh h-hyung. I thought you were asleep." He slowly faced the older, gaze not daring to look up and simply lying on their hands.

Chan chuckled. "You know I'm usually up. Come, get inside. It's really cold outside."

The older pulled him inside the warmth of his house, crossing out all the coldness of outside that covered Jeongin from head to toe.

And maybe his mind too.

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