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Minho's POV

"Class dismissed."

The finals were nearing and as expected, classes and studies were totally filling up my schedule.

After finishing my morning classes, I spent the spare time till lunch in the library, preparing for the exams.

As lunch time neared, I thought I could take a break from studies and go grab lunch as I had afternoon classes right after lunch.

Tidying up my belongings, I left the library to head towards the cafeteria. I still had some good amount of time so I decided it'd be nice to have company.

Fishing out the phone from my pockets, I dialed in the familiar contact of a cute junior.


"Hello, hyung?"

A smile replaced the tired frown on my face as soon as I heard the sweet voice.

"Hey, Seungmo. Where are you?"

"I just finished a class, heading for lunch."

"Wanna grab lunch together? We could go to that cafe right outside our uni." I scratched my neck nervously, thinking the younger might be too busy with the finals.

"Sure! Wait for me by the entrance, okay?"

I sighed in relief.

"Yeah, okay. And we could- umh.. if you'd like then.. this could be like a little- umh date?" I cursed myself internally for stuttering so much.

I heard him chuckle on the other line.

"Whatever you say, hyung~ I'll just tell Hyunjin that I'd be with you in lunch real quick then head for you, yeah?"

"Okay. I'll be waiting."

The smile that was adorning my face lit up even more with each exchanged word with the younger boy. I surely wasn't used to this much happiness but couldn't help enjoying it.

With that, I changed my direction to head towards the university entrance instead of our cafeteria.

I reached my destination and stood there for a while waiting for Seungmin to show up.

We hadn't really talked about the kiss in that party that one night a few weeks ago mainly due to both of us being hella busy with life to get any chance of hanging out together.

At least today could be a step towards the better. We might not talk about it immediately, but I'm content with the baby steps we're taking.

Hopefully, Seungmin felt the same way too.

"Minho hyung?" I looked up to see the face I had least expected to see at that moment, standing a few feet away from me.

Jisung smiled at me, greeting me softly, but the smile on my face became fainter gradually as I stared at the younger in front of me.


"What are you doing here, hyung?" He asked, not giving a bother to anything.

"I'm waiting for someone." I tried to simply answer although inside, the rush of various kinds of emotions was very prominent.

"Oh.. b-boyfriend?" He asked, fiddling with the straps of his oversized hoodie.

I frowned at the question. Who did he think he was to go around asking his ex about their personal life like everything was just fine between us?

"That's none of your business, Jisung. I'd appreciate it if you left me alone." This time I replied back sternly, in a rather harsh tone of voice.

I saw him flinch at the sudden change of my tone.

"O-Oh.. I'm s-sorry for bothering you, hyu-hyung. I just-" I started feeling bad for being harsh with the younger instantly as I heard how much he was stuttering.

"Hey, no, Jisung. It's okay look at me.  Calm down first, yeah?"

Jisung looked up to meet my eyes as I stepped a little closer to him, helping him calm his nerves.

"I just wanted to apologise for the night at Felix's birthday. I was drunk and I bothered you a lot. I'm really sorry, hyung." He mumbled in a low tone still looking up at me.

"Oh- I-It's okay. Let's forget about that."

He was about to say something more as I saw him open his mouth when a shout from the side made both of us look to our side.

"Minho hyung!"

I saw as Seungmin came running towards me with a cheerful smile displayed on his pretty face.

I stepped back a little from Jisung, now focusing my attention on the running younger.

Jisung noticed my behavioural change as he eyed both me and Seungmin.

"Oh, hey! Jisung, right?" Seungmin exclaimed once he reached us.

Jisung nodded as he also stepped back, giving me and Seungmin more space.

"We'll.. uh head out now. Bye, Jisung."

Not waiting for his response, I grabbed Seungmin's hand and started making our way out of the younger's eyes.

"Woah- what was that?" Once we were pretty much far away from Jisung, I finally let go of Seungmin and started walking normally.

"Nothing. We'd be late if we don't hurry now. Come on." I smiled up at the younger as we entered the homly cafe.

We placed our orders before taking a seat a little further inside the cafe to have some peace and quiet. We talked about our studies, goals and stuff, just two boys sharing their point of views on life and so on.

"So you're telling me you're gonna inherit your dad's company as soon as you graduate? That's a lot of pressure, hyung." Seungmin frowned after I told him about my career plans.

I sighed softly before replying, "I don't have a choice."

"If you did have a chance, what do you wanna do, hyung?"

I stared at Seungmin blankly as I blinked my eyes a few times. The sudden question throwing me off guard.

I was brought up and taught since I was a kid that the purpose of my being was to inherit our company, make it bigger and more successful, living a posh life like the one I was gifted since birth. I studied hard every day with this one goal in my mind.

Never in my life did I think about what I wanted to do. Was there really something like that?

Is that why?

Is that why I was never happy despite being surrounded by nothing but happiness?

"I d-don't know."

Seungmin sighed before reaching out to gently grab my hand across the table, running his thumb soothingly on the flesh.

"It's okay, hyung. You'll find it out when the time's right for you." He smiled, trying to ease my puzzled state.

After our little lunch date, we promised to hang out more like this and even more after the finals before waving goodbye to each other, both of us heading towards our afternoon classes.

The thoughts I had while talking to Seungmin still lingering in the back of my mind.

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