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️Trigger warning: Mention of self harm⚠️

Chan's POV

The rain had stopped pouring a few hours ago. When I left for work this morning it had been raining cats and dogs, kinda spoiling my planned activities for the day ahead.

But luckily it had stopped raining after a while and now the city was glowing in a shining pit of the wet weather beforehand.

I was now standing in front of my best friend's university, supporting my body on the car behind me with crossed arms. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous.

Now what was so nerve-wracking about meeting your best friend you may ask?

Well a lot had went down a few months ago and due to those messy events, Minho and I weren't in contact for a while.

Breaking the uncalled for wall that had grown between us, I thought it was finally time I moved on and let us work out our friendship again.

No matter what we still were best friends since childhood.

Flashback to a few months ago

Chan would often visit Minho's house to check up on the younger after the suicide ordeal had gone down. He was terrified to let him stay alone even for a while, texting or calling him whenever he could.

Minho didn't mind the attention, rather he actually loved to be cared for and he had always known that he could count on Chan any time. The bond the both boys shared were unbreakable.

That was till Chan's feelings had gotten the best of him.

On a Sunday night Chan was visiting Minho again, climbing from the tree by his window as usual. He had suddenly gotten a text from the younger that chilled him to his spine.

Come here pls I need you
I can't control myself

After getting the bizarre text, the older had tried texting and calling the younger  tons of time but got no response in return. He made his way over to his house as soon as he could.

Upon entering Minho's room, Chan was welcomed by a dark room again, lights turned off and curtains drawn, an eerie feeling of uneasiness lying in the air, just like the night Minho had last time attempted.

This scared Chan even more as he quietly called out the younger's name hoping to get an answer soon, but was met with nothing.

He was looking around in the dark when a sobbing sound echoed from the bathroom attached to the room.

Without wasting a single second, Chan rushed inside the bathroom to be met with a crying Minho sinking his face in his knees, sitting on the white tiled floor.

"Minho!" Chan sat beside the sobbing younger, carefully putting his hands on his slouched shoulders.

Minho looked up as now his tear stained cheeks were visible to the older. He was breathing heavily, clearly going through some sort of breakdown, eyes red and swollen from the endless crying.

"Min, look at me baby. You're okay. I'm here. Chan hyung's here for you. You're going to be absolutely alright, yeah?" Chan tried his best to calm down the younger in front of him. "Follow my breathing, Minho. Try to breath slowly, okay?"

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