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The sound of a ringing phone filled the peaceful silence around the apartment early in the morning.

Minho groaned at the unexpected noise that just ruined the beautiful sleep he was in. The first thing he saw as he opened his eyes though was a pair of closed eyes and round cheek, squished on his own chest.

He smiled as he slowly unwrapped his hands from around the younger's body, careful not to wake him up. Reaching out to the nightstand, he grabbed his ringing phone.

"Seungmo" it read.

Reluctantly, he swiped the screen to accept the call.

"Hello?" His voice came out groggier than he expected.

"Oh hey, good morning, hyung!" The younger on the other side of the phone sounded cheerful in contrast to that. "Did I wake you up?"

"It's barely 7, of course you did." The older wanted to say but he sighed instead, muttering out different words. "It's okay. Need something?"

He heard a soft sigh on the other end before Seungmin answered. "Nope, just wanted to talk to you."

Minho frowned as the slight defeated tone in the younger's voice didn't escape his ears. Him being the kindest person he was couldn't help getting tad worried as to what might be bothering the young fellow.

"Is everything alright, Seungmo?" He tried to muster his most sincere tone, now sitting up a little on his mattress.

"Y-Yeah! Why wouldn't everything be okay? Haha.."

"Stop fooling around, Seungmin and tell me what's wrong." Minho's stern voice rang through the younger's head as silence reigned for a second.

"I had a little fight with Hyunjin and... and I .." He could tell the younger was still hesitating whether that be because of him not being comfortable or being ashamed of his actions.

"You what, Seungmo?"

"I called him selfish even though he explained himself thoroughly. I-... I accused him of cheating on me with Jeongin just because I saw those two hugging."

The younger was sniffling, trying his best not to break down in sobs which didn't go unnoticed by Minho.

It was quite unusual because although he and the younger didn't have stable communication the past months, he still knew that the couple never fought seriously before. What went wrong?

"Hey, Minnie, hear me out. You need to calm down first, okay? Where are you?"

At the older's soft soothing voice, Seungmin started to calm down a bit as he stabled his breathing. "I'm outside the dorm."

"I dashed out after we fought and he didn't chase me afterwards. I don't know  what to do, hyung! What if he hates me now? He really doesn't deserve to be treated this way. What if he leaves me for Jeongin? I don't even know why I suddenly fumed like that..."

Minho let the younger rant his heart out. "It's okay, Seungmin. You're overthinking. You must've been building up things inside you for a while now and everyone deserves to let it all out sometimes." He tried to make him understand. "Go inside and talk to Hyunjin. I bet he's worrying about you right now just as much."

The younger sniffled a few more times before he dried his wet cheeks and eyes. "You're right. But would he wanna talk to me after the harsh words I threw at him?"

"Of course he will. He loves you, Seungmin. Don't forget that." A small smile played on Minho's face unconsciously.

"...right, hyung. I'll go inside now then. Thank you for listening to me! And... sorry I disturbed you so early in the morning."

"Anytime and it's okay."

With that, the phone call ended. Minho hoped wholeheartedly whatever that happened between the two would get resolved soon. He didn't like the idea of his little friend sad for too long.

"Hyung?" A meek voice brought Minho out of his trance as he was zoning out. He looked down to meet the younger's doe eyes staring up at him.

The smile on his face grew big at the sight of his ex-lover, sleepily rubbing his eyes as he was waking up.

"Morning, Sungie~" he leaned down to press a soft kiss on Jisung's round cheek. "Slept well?"

"Mmmh," the younger hummed as he wrapped his arms around the older's torso, pulling him down on the mattress properly again. "Want cuddles.."

Minho cooed at the younger's cute demands. "Aw Sungie wants morning cuddles?" Bringing up his hands, he started caressing his soft brown locks, cuddling further.

For those two, it still didn't occur how in one night they could just forget about everything like nothing ever was wrong.

Maybe things were definitely wrong but at that moment, having his Sungie in his arms like this, all warm and comfortable, felt so so right to Minho.

It was like seeing and being in each other's company after so long just ushered the bloom of love that still lingered deep in their hearts.

"I'll have to get up now, precious. Got work to do." He gently pulled himself out of Jisung's grip, making his way to the bathroom to complete his morning routine.

"Hyung?" Minho stopped in his track, turning to see the younger now sitting up on the bed, facing his lap. "You... you still like Seungmin, don't you?"

Minho frowned at Jisung's sudden mention of the younger. Did he hear the phone call with Seungmin? Ah right, that must be it.

He made his way back to the bed, sitting himself beside the younger's slightly slumped body.

"Why are you saying this, Sungie?"

Jisung looked up a bit to meet the older's eyes. "The way you talked to him this morning... with so much love and care. Do you still like him, hyung?" His voice was hushed and sad, a glint of some kind of faint hope present in the look he was giving.

Seeing the older not replying, he continued. "You can t-tell me, I wouldn't mind. He's a great guy, it's obvious you like him... haha."

Minho was internally screaming. He found the sight of Jisung being jealous and trying to subtly hide it so cute. But then again, the sad smiles and tears pricking at the corner of his eyes didn't go unnoticed by him either.

So he leaned forward and embraced the younger for the umpteenth time that morning, carefully letting the younger's head fall on his shoulder.

"I don't like him, Jisung. Seungmin is a great guy and yes, I used to have a crush on him but, he's dating Hyunjin. He chose Hyunjin over me which is okay. I've gotten over him in the past few months of being here."

Jisung let out a small sigh, also letting a few drops of tears escape his eyes, falling on Minho's shoulder.

"You're too kind, Min."

The older chuckled as he rocked them both from side to side, calming the younger. "You know how I am. Now-"

He pulled away from the hug to face Jisung again. "Let's shower together. You must be sore from last night."

Jisung blushed profusely at the mention of the night prior. He was indeed very much sore.

Chuckling darkly and with a yelp from the younger, Minho picked him up by his thighs swiftly to make their way towards the bathroom to wash up.

Oh how serene everything felt..

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