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"Mom, I'm leaving."

I was now tieing the laces of my shoes when my mother came out of the kitchen to see me off. In all honesty, I thought it was gonna be a hassle trying to convince my parents to let me go out at this time but surprisingly, they didn't seem to care much.

Suspicious but okay I guess.

"Come back quick, okay?" I could hear the frown in her voice.

Replying back positively, I got out of my house quickly. I was wearing some white t-shirt underneath a black leather jacket and denim pants, light accessories adorning my ears and neck.

(Minho's outfit^)

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(Minho's outfit^)

I saw Chan waiting for me in his parked car in front of our house, him also dressed up in some dark clothes. "Hey, bud, got in trouble?"

"Surprisingly, no." I shook my head as I sat down on the passenger seat. "I just said I was going to a friend's birthday party and they agreed."

Chan hummed in response as he started driving towards our destination. "They might be planning something for all we know."

I sighed knowing he was most probably right. Nothing comes without consequence in my house.

"So, is this gonna be a small party or a filled one?" I asked, resting my head on the seat while looking out at the night view.

"Knowing Felix, he must've invited all the people he knows in his life." I heard Chan chuckle. "So yeah, it's gonna be pretty crowded."

I groaned frustratingly. I wasn't bothered by people, it's just the idea of being surrounded by drunk strangers didn't sit well with me.

Chan chuckled again beside me. Silently I agreed on staying close to my friends or hopefully find people that I know.

Now sitting by the temporary bar in Changbin's mansion-like house, I hadn't found anyone I knew yet.

And as expected, the whole place was packed with people. Chan had run off to God knows where, I had already greeted Changbin and his boyfriend Felix.

That ball of sunshine, still as energetic as ever. It's refreshing to see old faces once in a while.

"Give me one more, the same." It was my third shot for the night and for some reasons, I didn't have any intention to stop, really wanting to get drunk at that moment.

I could hold my liquor well despite not drinking that often, so it wasn't a problem. Also I knew Chan wouldn't get drunk as he had to drive us home.

"M-Minho hyung..?" I was about to chug in my 5th shot when a slurry voice called out my name.

I looked to my side, placing the shot glass on the table, and saw a boy a bit younger stumbling on his foot.

He was hiccuping and was about to fall before I swiftly grabbed his arms and sat him down on the tool beside mine.

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