259 21 1

Are you free tonight?
Let's hangout!
sent 2 hours ago

Pick up your phone :((
sent 6 hours ago

Seungmin was being impatient and he knew that too well. But he couldn't help feeling irritated finding no replies from his older friend the whole day.

He's busy with work.

He knew the assumption was most likely true. Minho was a hardworking businessman after all.

Seungmin was in his apartment all day, the weekend feeling nothing enjoyable as it used to a few months ago.

He sighed before sprawling his body on the comfortable mattress of his bed.

His mind was blank. Neither good nor bad thoughts were roaming the property. Just an empty sheet of numbness.

And Seungmin hated to feel nothing.

"Agh fucking reply to me already, hyung!" He cried out, stomping his legs and hands like a little kid throwing a tantrum.

He checked his phone again.

His texts still lying flat, not being seen by the other side of the line.

Tossing the phone aside, Seungmin kept lying on his bed for a bit longer, being consumed by the boredom of his lonely apartment.

His eyes darted towards the clock hanging on the wall. 8:30 pm it read.

Deciding it was better to take a walk outside rather than sinking in his miseries here, he finally got up from the bed.

The outside breeze was soft yet cold, not the freezing kind of cold but a very pleasant one.

Seungmin wasn't much of a winter enthusiast though. He was more of a fan of the monsoon. The calming sensation of rain always helped him calm down.

"I promise I'll take you to my parents house next rainy season. You'll love how beautiful the country side is."

"Really!! Omg, I'd love to! I love you so much, Hyunjin." 

A sad smile played on Seungmin's face as his mind replayed the beautiful times he had spent with Hyunjin.

Why did you promise something you're not going to keep?

Seungmin shook his head, not wanting to let the dark thoughts cloud his head any longer.

He was past that phase. He needed to move on.

After walking mindlessly for a while, the puppy-like boy found himself in front of a familiar restaurant. It was an ordinary eating place with customers filled all the time.

Most importantly, it was a place where he and Hyunjin used to get dinner after uni all the time.

He was about to leave the place when Seungmin's stomach grumbled in hunger making him halt.

"Fuck it." He mumbled before getting inside the cozy restaurant.

Seungmin got himself some decent amount of food, stuffing them in like he had been starving for days. Maybe it was the stress eating, but honestly, he couldn't care less. 

Seungmin was open to anything that helped lessening the surging pain in his heart. 

That was his coping mechanism.


A notification went off in Seungmin's phone as he was just done eating, wiping his mouth with a tissue. "Huh?"

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