Chapter 29 - I have my limits too

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TIME SKIP: 2 months later

12 December

The last two months have passed for you, as if you were not present in your own life. You worked overtime, barely slept, you were just exhausted.
Jun was unable to do any work. She couldn't focus on anything, even though Christmas was just around the corner and the company was in total chaos.
But that wasn't even the hardest thing to take care of. BigHit kept pushing for next projects - their idea of getting everything organized by Christmas was irrational.

You changed from a polite and kind woman to an unpleasant and firm one. All because of intrusive messages. You informed them repeatedly, that even if the two-month delay had not taken place, the entire project would not have been possible to complete in such a short time.
In addition to this assignment, however exclusive it was, Celeste had its own work rhythm and a multitude of other tasks, including regular events, such as the Christmas collection and Christmas gala, which was imminently approaching.

"Jun, you do realize, that you can't avoid contact with Namjoon for your whole life, right?" you asked calmly, sitting on the edge of her bed. But she just muttered something under her breath, clutching her pillow tighter. "Look, he keeps calling me. I know I promised you I wouldn't tell him anything, but you're putting me in a very difficult position. How many more times do I have to make excuses, pretending, that we are buried in work? You do realize he knows our address, right? I'm actually surprised, that he hasn't popped in here yet to see what's really going on. He's not stupid, he'll soon realize something is wrong." You made your monologue.

Jun sat up suddenly on the bed. She clenched her jaw. She looked like she was thinking about something.
"You're right. It can't go on like this any longer. I need to sort this out."

And for a moment, you were even glad, that she was finally back to her senses. But it soon became clear, that you and her weren't necessarily thinking the same thing.

"I need to find a way to end this pointless relationship between us once and for all." She said in an impassive tone. Her gaze was absent, you did not recognize your own friend. Not long ago, she would have sold her own soul for Namjoon just to look at her even once, and now, that she had a chance not only for his attention but for a real relationship with him, she wanted to let it all go so easily, she wanted to give up without a fight.

You looked at her in shock. You couldn't understand what was happening with her. You knew it was a very difficult situation, but no matter how you look at it, she carried a new life in her. And now, without even knowing what Namjoon would have to say about it, she preferred to make the decision to become a single mother, deciding not only her fate, but also the fate of her own child. It was very unfair. You personally thought he had a right to know.

"Jun, I think you should tell him. Your decision is too hasty, you will suffer the consequences in the future." You started cautiously, having no idea what edge Jun was at. She just snapped.

"And what possibly you can know about it? You're not in that situation. You're at peace, you don't have any responsibility or the feeling, that your whole world is in ruins. Now you dare to lecture me? By what right?!" She yelled at you, even though, you didn't do anything wrong. You sat in silence, listening humbly as she took out her frustration on you.

"Jun, I'm just trying to help you..." you said softly, but she wasn't going to calm down.

"If you want to help me, then get the fuck away from me. Stop meddling in my life. I've stayed here for too long. I should get back to my place. Living with you now hurts more than it helps." She poured bitter words on you. You felt hurt. You were living together before this all happened. You have always supported each other, no matter what adversities you had to face. And now, not only she is giving up her own happiness, but she's putting your long-standing friendship at risk.

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